Chapter 14

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"Did I truly know the woman I loved?"


Ella and I have been walking around the stadium signing things for fans for a few minutes. We decided on heading back into the locker room, so we crossed the field.

"How's it going without Brooke? It's been what? Almost a month?"

"Yeah about a month. We're fine though. We talk all day and every day, so we make it work. She starts touring in a week. She's pretty excited about that."

"How's the press been with you?"

"Well, they still say things, but it's been better." We get into the tunnel. "Ella, do you think it's weird she avoids conversation about her parents?"

"She did say they don't talk anymore, so I don't think so."

"She told my parents they're dead."


"My reaction exactly. She told us two different stories."

"Do you think she's lying to you?"

"Either that or according to her, 'It was our first date, and it wasn't a conversation starter' I don't know."

"And now she just avoids it all together?"

"I brought it up during the Euros and she said we'd talk about it later. Later never came. So, then I brought it up while we were watching a movie a few weeks ago and she said, 'Can't we just watch?' She avoids it."

"What are you going to do?"

"Would it be wrong of me to Google her and see what I find?"

"Yes, but also no. Yes, in a sense she's your girlfriend and you shouldn't have to dig for answers. No because she's not giving you answers."

"If it was something traumatic, I don't want to force it out of her. I don't know, Ella. It feels weird that she doesn't even want the topic brought up now. When we went on our first real date a few months ago, she said they didn't talk and that was it."

"The least she could say is she doesn't want to talk about it."

"Right?" I scoffed. "She ices me. I'm not sure if she'd been doing it intentionally, but now that we're going to Italy soon for holiday, she may be avoiding it for real now."

"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know." I sighed. "I want to know. I do. Like why'd she my parents they died but not me? Brooke didn't even know my parents. She knows me."

"I don't know, Less."

"I'll figure it out. For now, I'm going to head home—well, to Brooke's and shower. Call it a day."

"Want to go out for an afternoon soon?"

"Yeah, for sure. Maybe Friday?"

"Sounds good. I'll check my calendar for a time."

"I will too."

"You miss her a lot, don't you?"

"Of course. But it isn't for much longer. One more month she's home until we go on holiday."

"I can't believe she owns a house in Italy."

"Seriously." I laughed. "Unbothered for an entire month."

"Lots of sex?"

"Just between you and me," I look at Ella. "Absolutely." Ella laughed, tossing an arm around me.

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