Chapter 28

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"I'll see you in a week."


"Shh," I giggled and smiled. "You're going to get us caught."

Brooke laughed too as she pulled the comforter of my bed over us further. "It's you're fault."

"How?" I peppered kisses down her neck and back up to her lips.

"You," I lightly bit down on her lip, enticing a moan. "You sneak me in here and hide me from Lotte."

"Are you complaining?"

"Mm, not after last night's performance." I pecked her lips one last time before rolling off her. "I hate this part."

"I know," Brooke cuddled into me and kissed my shoulder. "It's only a week right?"

"Yeah," She nodded. "I've got to finish that album and announce it. Then I'm headed to Paris with Taylor—" Brooke sat up and leaned over me. "You're in France next week, right?"

"Yeah. Euro qualifying."

"Come stay the night with me...For one night. I'm already going to your game."

"I don't know," I laughed.

"No, listen." She smiled. "We can stay for the week and," Brooke's lips grazed my neck up to my ear. "we can have hot, hot sex in a bed with an Eiffel Tower view.'

"I think we're past the point of sex."

"Okay, well, making love sounded odd in my head." We laughed. "But really, after the game come spend the week with me."

"I'd really like that." Her lips touched mine and her tongue slipped into my mouth. "What time is it?"

"A little after nine."

"I need to get up. I'm shooting that podcast with Tooney today." I pecked her lips one more time before swinging my legs out of bed.

"Nooo," She groaned. "Come back for five minutes."

"Five minutes will turn into ten." I pulled up a pair of black jeans. "And I need my morning coffee." I felt her hands on my waist try to pull me back down. "Brooke," I giggled. "You have a flight to catch too."

"Fine," She huffed and let go of me. "Have fun with Ella."

"I will. You listen to our podcast." I slipped a shirt on and pulled my Adidas jacket over my arms. "I need a haircut."

"I like your long hair."

"Is that your way of telling me you don't like my shorter hair?"

"I love you either way."

"Good recovery." I slipped on a pair of shoes. "You need to get going."

"You just really want to kick me out." She threw her arms behind her head.

I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I could see Brooke still laying in bed and texting on her phone from the mirror.

"Who are you texting?" I asked as I finished off the last bit of makeup.

"Taylor." She threw her phone down, still open, letting me take it. "You can look. I'm asking her about a tour thing."

I knew she was letting me, so I would trust her more. It was a process. I loved her, but we were building our trust again.

I took one glance and saw Taylor Swizzle on the contact name. "I don't need to check, babe." I walked over to her and pecked her lips. "I'll see you in a week."

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