Chapter 20

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"Merry Christmas."


Brooke's grip on my thighs loosened as she pressed light kisses up my body until she reached my lips. Her hand squeezed mine and she pulled away.

"You okay?"

"Oh yeah." I nodded. Her free hand grabbed my thigh and squeezed it gently. "I'm convinced you can never be rough with me."

"I can't." She laughed. "I love you too much."

"You do."

She laid down next to me and wrapped her arms around me. Brooke's knuckles slid up and down my arm. We both had woken up early, both wondering why since we had been up a majority of the night. But it ended with her between my thighs.

This holiday had made us sex machines.

I felt Brooke kiss the top of my head. "What time are your parents coming over?"

"They said around ten." I glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's eight."

"Do you want to shower first? I can clean up. Toss our bedding into the wash."

"Sure. Then you shower and I'll finish up what you didn't." I sit up on my elbow. "I have a feeling you're going to enjoy your present."

"Do I get a hint?"

I leaned in close, my lips close to touching hers. "No." She tried to kiss me, but I pulled away. "I'll be in the shower."

"No fair."

She groaned while rolling onto her stomach, making the sheet slip off her naked body.

"Get up." I smacked her ass. "My parents will be here soon."

"Fine." She rolled out of bed. "What are you wearing?"

"We're having a nice dinner, yeah?"


"I'll dress up a little. A nice shirt and skirt." She started putting clothes on as she walked up to me. "You should wear that nice shirt I got you. The white button up." Her arms wrapped around me. "With a pair of jeans and a belt..."

"You'd like that, huh? The things I can do with that belt later..."

"I would and no. We're not having sex tonight. I'm sore from last night...and this morning." I slipped from her arms. "Tooney's having a New Year's party in a week and we're going."

"Okay. Also," She wrapped her arms around me again and her hand trailed down the front of my body. "Are you sure you're too sore for our evening activities? Besides, this morning, was finishing the unfinished."

"Brooke, come on. I'm serious." I escaped her grasp again. "I'm going to go shower and get dressed. Make sure our house doesn't smell like sex."

"Okay, okay." She grabbed me one more time and kissed me. "I love you, Russel."

I pecked her lips again. "I love you, babe. Now go." She rolled her eyes, letting go of me. She went around our room, picking up clothes and slipping one on.

I went into our bathroom and flipped the shower on. I made my shower kind of long just so my cleaning chores were shortened. I definitely enjoyed my long and hot shower. When I was out, I slipped into a pair of shorts and a bra, so my hair could stay up and dry.

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