Chapter 25

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"I still love you."

"Prove it all you want but we're not getting back together. Once a cheater, always a cheater, Brooklyn."

I squeezed her wrists a little harder.

"No," I shook my head. "Not true. I cheated on Rachel, sure. I didn't love her though. Does that justify my actions? No, it doesn't. She cheated on me too. Does that justify it? No. Do you remember our first date?"


"We made love that night."

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"I've never done that with someone. I've never let alone kiss another woman the way I've kissed you." Alessia rolled her eyes, making me sigh. "I just spent the last few months in Italy, drinking away the days and writing music all night. I haven't talked to another human being for like three months. Not until you hit me with a fucking candlestick. I haven't touched another person until you grabbed my hand ten minutes ago. I haven't kissed another person since you last kissed me."


A tear fell down my face. "You have to believe me." I begged her. "I need you, Alessia. Please. You have to believe me."

Our lips were so close. I had to go for it. I surged forward and let our lips mold together. Her body tensed under me for a moment. Then she kissed me back. I let go of her hands and went to put one of mine under her shirt.

Then her hands were on my chest and pushing me off her. She got off the bed and I sat up.

"I can't be with you."


"No! You have to understand where I'm coming from. Wouldn't it be weird to you if I knew and saw I kissed someone else, but claim I was set up?"

"Maybe." I put my head in my hands and sighed. "I—I should go. I'm sorry." I stood up and made my way towards the door.

"Brooke," I turned around and within a second her lips were on mine. "I hate you."

"Then why are you kissing me?" Alessia guided me back towards the bed and pushed me back down.

"Because you make me feel...alive." She pinned my hands above my head as she leaned down and kissed me. This kiss was different.

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"No," She shook her head. "Sit up." As soon as I did, she pulled my shirt over my head. She pulled her shirt off too.

"You don't hate me." I flipped her onto her back. "You wouldn't kiss me if you hated me." I kissed down her body and pressed my lips to the inside of her thighs. "If you hated me, you wouldn't let me take your shorts off." I tossed them aside along with her underwear. "You wouldn't let me touch you."

She moaned, letting out a "Fuck," when I pushed my fingers around her clit. Her body squirmed at my touch and her hand found my neck. "Brooke,"

I leaned forward, pushing her leg towards her body as I kissed her. "We shouldn't be doing this."

"It's wrong. I agree."

"Should we stop?"

Alessia unzipped my jeans. "Fuck no." She placed a rough kiss on my lips. "Take them off and get it out of the top drawer."

I got up and stepped out of my jeans in a hurry while also opening my old dresser drawer. When I turned back to Alessia, she was taking her bra off and pushing the sheets away.

I crawled back on top of her and pushed her back down. Alessia kissed me softly before pulling the sheet over my back to cover us. My left hand slipped into hers and I felt her smile into our kiss.

"Ready?" She nodded. I slowly slipped the strap inside her and moved at a slow pace. I saw how her lips parted as I pushed my hips far into her. I pecked her lips a few times then put my mouth next to her ear. "You're so beautiful, Less."

I pushed a littler harder and attached my lips to her neck. "I—Fuck, Brooke." I rubbed her clit slowly with my free hand.

I could feel her legs begin to shake. Her breathing became short and fast. Her moans turned to whimpers and her grip on my hand tightened.

"I've got you." I kissed her cheek and felt her let go. A series of moans fell from her mouth. "I don't want anyone touching you like I touch you." I helped her through her orgasm before I slowly pulled out and rid myself of the strap.

She pulled me in for a kiss before pushing me onto my back and turning onto her stomach. I could see how tired she was by the way her eyes fluttered open and shut. She ran her fingers through my hair quickly before putting her arm under her pillow.

"I still hate you."

"I know." I pulled the sheet up to our hips and waited until I knew she was asleep before kissing her shoulder a few times. "I still love you." 

AN: I know it's short, but it'll propel us forward. I'm back from the dead!

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