Chapter 26

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"When we were texting."

I watched Spain celebrate their win from the tunnel. I could only watch for a few minutes though. The pain of knowing we failed country made me want to crumble.

I walked into the changing room and picked up my phone. I had a series of notifications, so I scrolled through them before stopping on one.

Brooke Morgan: I'm sorry you lost. You all played great. Proud of you.

I smiled a little bit and typed out a response.

Thank you. It sucks.

I hadn't seen her since she left me alone in the house that use to be ours. I woke up to the house completely spotless and a note on the counter. I hadn't seen her or talked to her.

That was a few months ago.

I went to put my phone down, but it buzzed again.

Brooke Morgan: Sooo, Arsenal?

I started typing.

Yeah, I'm excited. It'll be good for me.

Brooke Morgan: For sure.

Brooke Morgan: Are you moving to London then?

I will once I get back from Australia.

Brooke Morgan: Oh ok.

Brooke Morgan: Do you want me to sell the house?

If you want to...I thought you'd move back in once I'm gone.

Brooke Morgan: I'm not in England.

Where are you? LA?

Brooke Morgan: Nope. I'm hiding 🫣

I bit my lip to suppress the smile and laugh wanting to escape.

"We just lost the final and you're smiling right now." I turned my head. Ella. "I'm just giving you a hard time, Less."

"I know," I put my phone down and hugged my best friend. "We did good, Tooney."

"Fuck yeah we did. I'm proud of you."

"I'm proud of you too."

"Now," she looked me dead in the eye. "Why are you smiling?"

"I feel so stupid." I sat with a sigh. "Brooke texted me. She only said she was proud of me—us, and congratulations on making it here."

"And that's a bad thing because?"

"She cheated on me and left."

"No, she was taken advantage of and you kicked her out." Ella sighed too as she sat. "Maybe it's okay to let her in a little, Alessia."

"Maybe," I shrugged. "Thanks, Tooney."

"Anytime. I'm going to go shower. I love you."

"Love you too." I picked up my phone. My eyes lingered on her text.

Brooke Morgan: Nope. I'm hiding 🫣

Hiding from who or what?

Her text bubbles appeared then disappeared...then reappeared.

Brooke Morgan: Paparazzi. I'm sleuthing and they can't catch me.

Why are you sleuthing?

Brooke Morgan: You'll see.

Have you written any music?

Brooke Morgan: Eh a little.

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