Chapter 3

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"Can you feel it in the air"


Alessia Russo.

Alessia Russo was at my concert. I told my security to get her. I wanted to talk to her. To see her face-to-face for the first time in two years.

But first, I had my own girlfriend to see. I walked up behind the blonde I called my girlfriend and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"You scared me!" She giggled, taking the strawberry out of her mouth.

"Where'd you get strawberries?" I kissed her cheek.

"Someone brought them. One of the dancers probably did." She turned in my arms and pecked my lips. "I liked those last two songs. You wrote them in college?"

"Yeah. I thought I was like...falling in love with this girl. Silly of me."

"It's not." She pushed some hair out of my face. "People think they're in love all the time and yet, they're not. So, I don't think it's silly."

"Well, you're going to think it's silly that I saw her and had security grab her."

"Are you serious?" Her face seemed serious now.

"Yes, but only to say hello. We were pretty good friends before I thought I liked her and kissed her—"

"You kissed her?!"

"Baby, it was over two years ago. You have nothing to worry about."

"Promise?" She gripped my biceps.


"Good. Now eat this." She held a strawberry up. She put it to my mouth and I took a bite out of it. "Out of ten?"


"Only a nine?"

"Yes. Only a nine." I grinned.

There was a knock on my dressing room door. "Miss Morgan, we have Miss Russo."

"Are you ready to meet the love of my life?" I joked.

"You are not funny."

I laughed and told security to let Russo in. "It'll be quick." I whispered. Then she walked in. She walked in with three other people. She walked in, in a tan jacket, grey jeans, and her hands shoved into the tan jacket. "Russo."

"It's Rus—Oh." She sort of grinned.

"Well, Russo, this is my girlfriend, Rachel. Rach, this is Alessia Russo, or as I've been calling her for years, Russel."

"Nice to meet you." Rachel held her hand out.

"You too. These are my friends. Leah, Ella, and Mary. We all play football together."

"So, I'm guessing you left UNC early to pursue soccer then?"

"Yeah." Alessia nodded. Her eyes met mine. "I don't regret it."

"Good. You shouldn't." I smiled. "You were too good for UNC. You want to take a walk? I'm sure these few will be just fine on their own for a minute."

"Sure. We can do that."

"Awesome. Help yourself to anything. Especially the strawberries that somehow ended up back here." I put my hands together. With that, we started our walk. "Still as quiet as ever, Russo."

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