Chapter 30

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"These Are for Us."


"And for the last time this year—or even for a few months—Welcome to The Tooney and Russo Show!" The three of us clapped and Tooney yawned.

"It's the finale." I said.

"Yeah, so for the final episode, we're doing things a little bit differently. And we've invited singer-songwriter—also your girlfriend, Alessia, Brooklyn Morgan to be our first guest."

"We've gone all out." Tooney said.

"This is a very different environment from being on the pitch. And this is an environment we've all gotten really comfortable in." Vic looked at us to agree.

"Yeah, I mean, we're in our living room now aren't we?" I looked at Ella.

"Yeah. I'm sure Brooklyn will fit in quite nicely."

"I think she'll be great."

"What's it like having your girlfriend and good friend in your living room now?"

Ella and I giggled a little, "Our living room."

"I think it'll be fun." Ella said. "I can ask her a million questions about your guys' love life."

"Funny, Tooney."

"I heard she enjoys a bit of country music?" Vic asked.

Ella looked at me. "She is a country music fan."

"I'm even more outnumbered now. Just bring in people who fit in your friendship group." Tooney made me laugh.

"What was it like when you both met her for the first time?"

"Lessi introduced me right before the Euros. When they first started dating. All us girls were big fans of hers too."

"Yeah, I remember that." I smiled. "I met her in a bar in college. Before the fame and everything. We became friends quickly."

"And you two just spent a week in Paris, right?"

I could feel the heat rise to my face. "We did. It was lovely. We ate at a lot of local breakfast places and nice restaurants for dinner. Our hotel had a view of the Eiffel Tower."

"She spoils you." Ella said.

"I am very spoiled."

"Hey, I want to be spoiled." Vic laughed.

"Find someone with a couple million." Ella laughed too.

"Well, let's get her on here. Please welcome, Brooklyn Morgan to the show!" My girlfriend came in and sat down in the chair next to Vic while we clapped. "Brooke, thanks for joining us! How's it feel to be guest-starring on our little show?" Vic started, grinning at her.

"Thanks for having me. I've been listening to your banter for ages, and it's nice to finally be in the hot seat. Less dragged me out of bed this morning—"

"Not true. You woke me up with coffee and a muffin from that bakery."

"Spoiled." Ella coughed.

"Vic, just so you know, the banter between these two gets out of hand." I laughed.

"Oh, and we're not going easy on you just because you're dating Lessi," Ella quipped, smirking. "Prepare yourself for the full Tooney experience."

Brooke laughed, leaning back in her chair. "I wouldn't expect anything less."

"So, Brooke," Vic continued, "you just wrapped up guest singing for Taylor Swift. How was that?"

"It was incredible," Brooke said, her eyes lighting up. "Taylor is amazing, we've been friends for a few years.—working with her was like a dream. The crowds were enormous, and the energy was just electric. I've learned so much from her about connecting with fans and putting on a show."

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