Chapter 21

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*i apologize for tears i may cause*

"Get out."


I had a Vogue party to go to on our one-year anniversary. A Vogue party in New York. A bunch of representatives from other brands would be there and yeah, while I was contractually bound, I hated that I had to miss our one year. The worst part was that I hadn't told her yet. I spent all morning making it up to her, knowing I had to leave in a few short hours.

My lips trailed Alessia's body until I reached her neck.

"I can't believe you're going to be my wife." I whispered, placing rough kisses into my fiancée's neck. I slowly pulled my fingers out of her and let her pull me into a kiss. "I hope I've spent this year showing you the love I wish I could have at twenty."

"I love you." She kissed my head. "You show me so much love, baby. I promise." I rolled over and out of bed. I went and got a damp washcloth and began wiping up Alessia's legs and hips. "Sooo, I made us dinner reservations."

"Oh?" I gently pulled her into me and placed a kiss on her knee.

"Yeah. At that place you love."

"Well, aren't I lucky." I smiled. "You know I love you, right?"

"Of course." She sat up with a sheet around her. "What's up?"

"I have to be in New York in ten hours. So, I have to leave in about an hour."


"I know." I sighed. "It's not ideal. But I have to. It's a part of my contract. It's like you doing events for Adidas. It's a part of your contract."

"Yes, but those can be rearranged. There's no way you can skip it?"

"No. But I'll be back in the morning before you have to travel with the National ironically, the New York." I sighed. "And I wish I could stay and go to your games, but I have some other obligations in California on Thursday, and I don't have long to pack for that trip."

"How long is that one?"

"Two weeks."

"You're going to miss your own birthday."

"This is just a busy time of year, Less." I got out of bed and started getting dressed. "Then it'll be over, and we can finally start planning our wedding."

My phone started to ring, so I grabbed it. "Is busy season just going to be through the end of March?" Mark. "Brooke!"

"Sorry, it's Mark." I press the green answer button. "Good morning."

"We need you at the airport in thirty minutes. We have to make a detour to Nashville. Taylor's there and wants to talk album business."

"I'll be there. I'm finishing up my packing."

"Great. See you soon."

I hang up the phone and go into our walk-in closet to grab my suitcase. "All my traveling should be mostly through by the end of June."

"The World Cup is in July. You're not going to miss our first game, are you?"

Alessia adjusted the sheet around her chest. "I shouldn't." I could see the worried look in her eyes from the mirror. I walked over to her and trapped her in my arms. "I'm not going to miss one game, Alessia. I promise. If something comes up for work, I'll reschedule that."

"But not now? On our anniversary."

I moved away from her to find a shirt.

"It's different. The World Cup is the biggest event of your career. You didn't rearrange your last event to go to my concert."

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