Chapter 6

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"That's scary."


"I have places to be today."

"Yeah?" Brooke's fingers continued to draw on my back. "Euros meeting is today, right?"

"I'm excited about it. The Euros."

"You should be." I rolled over onto my stomach and sat up on my elbow. "What?"

"Don't you have things to do?"

"The band can wait a bit. I'm with someone special to me." I picked up her left hand and laced our fingers together. "I wrote a song last night."

"Can I hear it?"

"When it has music, sure." She kissed my hand and up my palm and wrist. "I'm glad we found each other again, ."

"I am too." She kissed my hand again. "Come shower with me. Save water."


"What are you going to do today?" I rolled out of bed. "You can't stay here all day again."

"I got bored yesterday." She grabbed the hem of my shirt and lifted it over my head. "I don't know. I'll figure something out."

"You wanna come shadow me?"

"If that means following my girlfriend around for four hours, then yes."

"I actually have to train though, so you can't be annoying."

"When am I annoying?" I turned the shower on.

"You're not. You're mostly a smart ass."

"That is true." She stuck her hand into the shower. "I like sassing you." She lifted me up by my thighs.

"Uh huh." My thumbs ran along her jawline.

"I do." My back hit the wall. "I like watching you get all flustered." Her lips touched my neck.

"We're not doing this right now." I pulled her face out of my neck, feeling her pull at my skin. "We have to actually move today."

"Fine. We're moving." She put me down. "I love you, Alessia. I love you, but I'm happy I didn't let you stay. You're in a good place."

"So are you."

"Turn around." She kissed my shoulder. "We're both in a good place and we're together." I smiled and leaned into her touch.

After our shower, we both got dressed. She stayed in shorts and she found an England t-shirt of mine, claiming she were too lazy to dig through her own bags. I changed into my England training kit.

I walked out into the main room of my apartment. Brooke was making something and it smelled good. I kissed her cheek as I walked past her.

"We need to go in a few minutes." I told her.

"Okay. Do you want something to eat?"

"Oh, so you're a chef?"

"No, not really. But you need to eat, Russel."

"I'd appreciate food." I sat down at the kitchen table and slipped my tennis shoes on. "Where do you go next for your tour?"

"I haven't planned it yet. I did my American tour and now I have two more London shows. I may plan a few in Germany or Netherlands. I may take a break."

"Why would you take a break? Vocal rest?"

"That and I'd like to support you in the Euros this summer." She found a plastic plate. "If you'd want me to."

I smiled. "I'd really like that."


I went up to her and wrapped my arms around her neck. "And you call me nervous." She pecked my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too. All of you."

We'd stayed in Manchester for two weeks and now we'd been in London for a couple of days. So, I drove us to St. George's and Brooke followed me like a puppy.

Not many of the girls were here yet, and I was glad. They would've been all over the woman I walked in with, hand-in-hand. The media team was outside though, but I told Brooke to handle it the way she wanted to.

"Where are we going?" Brooke asked. She was still holding my hand, letting me take her to the places I needed to go to.

"I want to see my friends and introduce my girlfriend to them."

"That's a tad frightening. Aren't most fans?"

"Yep. Just you wait until you meet my parents."

"That's scary."

"That's next week's problem."


I squeezed her hand. "Come on." We walked into the lounge. Ella, Beth, Rachel, and Millie were in there. "Hi ladies."

"Hey—Oh, my God."

"I fucking called it." Ella said. "Leah and Mary owe me now."

"We're seeing the same person, right?" Rachel asked the other two.


"I'm not going to make this a big deal. This is my girlfriend, Brooke."

"Hello." She waved. "I'm really just following her around for the day. I've got nothing to do."

"You could be doing things with your team, but you're not."

"Wait, this is actually so cool." Beth said. "I have so many questions."

"No. No questions."

"Wait, just one!"

I sighed. "What, Beth?"

"Are you trying to keep a low-profile?"

"I don't really care as long as Russel doesn't."


"Don't ask cause I don't know. We met in college." Brooke leaned against the wall. "Just don't make this a big deal, please. We just want this to be normal."

"I'm calm." Beth said.


"Oh shit." I looked up at my girlfriend. "I need the car keys. I have to go."

"Go where?"

"See my management. Don't worry. It's probably nothing. I'll call you later."

"Okay, yeah." I handed her the keys.

"Have a good practice and meeting and it was nice meeting you." Brooke kissed me softly. "I love you."

"I love you."

"Already at I love you—"

"Shut it, Beth." Ella threw a ball at our friend.

I watched my girlfriend leave. She seemed stressed, leaving me worried now.

 Sorry, it's a tad short. I'm exhausted. I've been sick, thus not sleeping well. I'm feeling much better though 😄

Weird fact: Chainsaws were first invented for childbirth
(which is terrifying)

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