Chapter 34

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"We Made it Mrs. Morgan."


The door clicked shut behind us, the soft thud echoing through the opulent hotel suite. I stood still for a moment, letting the reality of the day wash over me. It felt surreal—like I was floating.

"Finally," Brooke's voice broke through my thoughts. "We made it, Mrs. Morgan."

I grinned at the sound of my new name. "Feels weird, doesn't it?" I said.

"A little, but also quite amazing."

The room beautiful. There were delicate red roses arranged in vases, their petals catching the soft glow of the lamps. A bottle of champagne stood in a silver bucket by the table, and a platter of strawberries and chocolates waited.

"Champagne?" Brooke suggested, gently tugging me toward the windows.

"Sure," I nodded. I walked towards the window to look out. "It's beautiful," I murmured.

"Yeah, but I've got a better view right here," she said, handing me a glass.

I only smiled and leaned into her.

"So, what's next?" Brooke asked, her voice full of anticipation. "We've got the whole night to ourselves."

"Let's get some sleep," I yawned.

We both undressed and changed into something more relaxed. I climbed in, feeling the coolness of the sheets against my skin. Brooke joined me, wrapping her arms around me as we settled. I snuggled closer, feeling the steady rise and fall of her chest beneath my cheek.

"Goodnight, my wife," she whispered, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"Goodnight, Mrs. Morgan," I replied. I laid my hand on her face and stroked her cheek with my thumb.

~ ~ ~

The Italian sun spilled into our suite, bathing everything in a warm, golden light. I lay on the bed, breathless and wanting, my skin tingling under Brooke's touch.

She hovered over me, her eyes locked onto mine. Her body was pressed against me, the strap nestled between us, teasing me with its presence. The sheets beneath us were already being squeezed with my hands, the room filled with the thick scent of our arousal.

"Good morning, Russel," she murmured, her voice husky and low. Her lips brushed against my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. "You ready?"

I nodded, "Please."

She pecked my lips. "Good girl."

She shifted her hips, the tip of the strap-on pressing against my entrance. It made me squirm and Brooke's hands slid down my sides, gripping my hips firmly as she pushed in.

I cried out, my back arching off the bed, my hands flying to her shoulders for support. "Oh, fuck," I gasped, my voice trembling. "Baby..."

She grinned, her movements slow and deliberate, driving the strap-on deeper with each thrust. She kissed me softly. "Do you feel good?"

"Yes," I moaned, my head falling back against the pillows.

Her pace quickened, the toy moving in and out of me with a relentless rhythm. The friction, the fullness, it was all too much and not enough. My nails dug into her skin, deeper and deeper as she drove into me.

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