Chapter 29

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"Everything With You is Wonderful."


"The mark they saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones..."

"The lips I used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon."

"It was maroon."

"It was maroon."

Taylor played out the last few cords before stopping. "That was really good." She giggled and clapped her hands. "This is so exciting!"

"I'm super excited." I put the guitar down. "It's always fun singing with you."

"You're too nice." I sat down on the stage. "Is Alessia coming to the show?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Along with some teammates. They're in the VIP with Travis."

"Are you two going to get some alone time after?" Taylor wiggled her eyebrows.

"You've reached annoying sister status."

She laughed and stood from her piano. "Well, I'm going to go get some rest before tonight. You should do the same."

"I will." I watched her leave, the echo of her footsteps fading into the quiet of the empty venue.

With the stage now silent and empty, I wandered toward the edge, gazing out at the sea of seats that would soon be filled with eager faces—a lot of crying ones too. My mind drifted to the songs I was going to perform with Taylor. The two songs she chose fit both of our voices perfectly. But it was Alessia's presence in my mind that anchored me.

Despite the whirlwind of rehearsals and the chaos of tour life and traveling to and from the U.S., the thought of Alessia always brought me a deep sense of peace. I missed her intensely, her absence was a void in my day-to-day. We'd only been apart for a few weeks, but each day felt like a lifetime. I imagined her in the VIP section tonight, her bright eyes and encouraging smile radiating through the crowd.

A pang of vulnerability surfaced as I felt the grief I carried of losing her. I can't believe someone set me up to cheat on her. I'll never forgive myself for that. I longed to share my life with her, to wake up beside her every morning, and maybe, one day, to call her my wife.

I woke myself from daydreaming and shook my head with a small smile.

With a deep breath, I stood, the anticipation of the concert merging with the eagerness to reunite with Alessia. The stage lights would soon blaze, and the crowd's energy would wash over me, but my focus remained on one point in the VIP section. In my mind's eye, I saw her there.

The hours until the show came close, and as I prepared for the night's spectacle, the promise of seeing Alessia again was a flame that gave me a pep in my step.

The roar of the crowd was deafening as Taylor and I took the stage together. The lights dimmed, and the first chords of our first song echoed through the arena. I could feel the energy of the audience, their excitement adding to my own. Taylor's voice blended harmoniously with mine.

In between songs, I glanced toward the VIP section, spotting Alessia's familiar silhouette. My heart skipped a beat seeing her there, looking up at me with such pride and love. It was a reminder of why I loved performing, and why I loved her.

As we finished our set, the applause was overwhelming. Taylor hugged me, her excitement mirroring mine. I left the stage to cheers and chants, feeling exhilarated and accomplished.

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