Chapter 12

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"England have done it."


I was nervous. We had ninety minutes to do this and I was so ready. I was over prepared. Film after film had been replaying in my mind all morning. I was tuned in.

A crowd of about ninety thousand sang along with us during the anthem. I stood with my arms around the girls who'd become my family over the last month.

We had a chance on goal within the first several minutes. Rachel played a ball through to Fran who ran with it for a moment, and crossed it in for Ellen, who headed it to the keeper.

Twenty-five minutes in, Mary had a great save off a corner. She went to ground with it, shielding it from the German offence.

The ball seemed back and forth and even chances throughout the rest of the half. It led us to the end of the first and into the second where the Germans almost immediately pulled their offense, but Mary came up with another huge save.

That's when I was called in after a fifteen minute warm-up. I went in and we kept possession for a while. Then the sixty-second minute came and Keira played a brilliant ball over the top of the German line to Ella. She took one touch and chipped the ball over the top of the keeper. She ran to the bench where we all celebrated with Tooney, jumping on her back and cheering her name.

But Germany came back within ten minutes and equalized, leaving twelve minutes for us to equalize. But those twelve minutes passed, leading us to into extra-time.

The 109th minute came. We had a corner and instead of Chloe taking it, Lauren did. I found myself in the box, waiting for my moment if it were to come. But it didn't. Lauren crossed it in. It bounced off Lucy to Chloe, who swung and missed, knocking a German down, for it to bounce out of the keep's hands and for her to bounce it off her toe. Chloe started to take her shirt off but waited for the referee to give the goal, then she ran with her jersey in her hand.

The time passed slowly but when that whistle blew, I was ecstatic. Ella ran to me, jumping into my arms. She squeezed my neck, shouting, "We did it! We did it, mate!" Hell yeah we did.

We celebrated as a team, crying, smiling, and laughing. Then we were lined up for our medals where royalty stood...literally. Shaking hands with royalty was so special and rewarding, yet rather odd at the same time.

Ella and I danced around the stadium with white flags that had a red Nike logo and HOME written on the front of it. Football had come home.

The changing room vibes were nothing short of exciting and loud. The music was on the highest volume and the alcohol flowed through the girls. That's when Beth said the night had only began.

When the evening rolled around, we were finally allowed to be with our families and not worry about getting sick around them. So, when I saw my girlfriend, my only thought was to kiss her.

When we entered the bar, I found my mother and father first. I hugged them tightly and felt my mum's kisses on my head. They told me how proud they were of me and my brother gave me a big hug as well.

Arms slipped around my waist and lips were pressed to my cheek. "I'm so proud of you." I knew that American accent all too well. I turned in Brooke's arms and kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you. So much. Thank you for being here."

"I'll always be here for you. Let's go get a drink and celebrate here for a bit." She leaned close to my ear. "I have my own celebration for us later."

I nudged her, "You can't whisper dirty thoughts in front of my family." She laughed softly. "Let's go get a drink."

By the time we were drunk enough to have most of our ambitions gone, is when I grabbed my girlfriend's hand and told her it was time for us to go. She took us to the hotel she was staying at down the road. She gave me her keycard as we walked inside the hotel and towards the elevator. She pressed the button for the floor she was on before coming over to me and laying a hand on my cheek.

"What?" I asked, keeping my voice soft.

"I'm just so proud of you, Less. You kept your head clear and showed up and balled out." Brooke leaned down, pressing her lips to mine. "I'm proud of you. You're a European Champion."

"I balled out, huh?"

"You totally balled out." She kissed me again, but harder and just as her lips moved to my jaw, the elevator doors opened.

We moved down the hallway swiftly and found the door to the room. I pressed the keycard down into it, only for it to turn red. I did it again; red.

My hands began to shake when her lips met my neck in open mouthed kisses. Brooke was drunk. I was drunk. Both of us needy. The second it was green, we were inside and I was pressed against the door. She pushed me into the door and I let out a groan into her mouth.

I pushed her back and towards the middle of the room until she fell back against the bed. I slid my hands into the jersey she wore and watched her lift it over her head, making our lips disconnect for a moment. Her chest heaved. She knew what was coming next. We both did. Then she flipped us around, pinning me down into the bed. Her left hand grabbed my right one and she kissed my forehead.

For the next few minutes, we found ourselves undressing each other and climbing under the white sheets of the bed, where her left hand found mine again.

She kissed down my neck as my moans got louder. Brooke's lips trailed down my chest before finding my breasts. She started down her body, wrapping her arms around my thighs. She kissed down my legs, leaving small bites on my thighs.

She placed a kiss at the top of my core then ran her tongue through my folds. I put my hand in her hair as she slid two fingers into me. My hips began to roll, increasing the knot in my stomach. She pulled her face away and found my lips again, kissing my hard.



"We've got all night. I've got you." She buried her face into my neck. Her fingers moved faster until she felt me coming close. She pulled her fingers out and looked into my eyes. "Trust me?" I nodded. She pushed her fingers back into me hard and wrapped her mouth around my clit. My back arched but she held me down until everything came out. She smiled, her face visibly wet. "I'm doing that again."

"That felt so good." I moaned.

"Like I said, I'm doing that again."


AN: I've been slammed with homework and things going on in my life, but I'm getting back to writing. Hopefully updates will be frequent again. 

Weird fact: A horse normally has more than one horsepower

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