Chapter 31

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"No Way."


I woke up to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. Alessia stirred beside me. Today is the day we'd been anticipating - our trip to Italy. I can't help but feel a flutter of excitement mixed with a touch of nervousness.

As I stretch lazily, my hand brushes against the cool metal of the engagement ring hidden in my sock drawer. It's been over a year since I proposed to Alessia, a moment of pure vulnerability and love that was overshadowed by my own mistakes. The paparazzi had caught me in a horrible moment, and our engagement crumbled under the harsh glare of public scrutiny. But here we are, rebuilding what we once had.

I've planned a surprise for Alessia, something to mark our anniversary in the coming days. A quiet dinner at home, just the two of us, where I recreated her favorite meal. The look on her face when I told her we were going to Italy, to our house on the coast.

She just didn't know one detail: Her whole family would be waiting to see her at her grandmother's. And now, as we prepare to leave, I can't wait to see her reaction when we arrive.

"Russel, wake up," I murmured, leaning over to press a soft kiss to her forehead. She stirred again, blinking sleepily before her eyes focus on me with a smile that lights up the room.

"Morning, Brooke," Her voice was raspy.

"We should finish packing," I suggested, trying to contain my eagerness.

I watched her stretch, the lines of her body shifting gracefully as she reaches for her suitcase. Alessia is meticulous in her packing, folding each item with care. She's brought an array of bathing suits, her excitement for lazy days by the water evident in every choice.

I couldn't resist teasing her as I gather my own things. "Do you really need that many swimsuits, darling?" I asked, my voice low I approached her.

My girlfriend laughed, "I like to have options," she replies, her accent softening her words.

"You look stunning in anything," I murmured, trailing a finger along her hip. Alessia shivered slightly, her gaze met mine with a mixture of desire and amusement.

"Brooke," she warned, though there's no real protest in her voice.

I leaned closer, my lips brushing against her ear. "I can't wait to have you all to myself," I whispered, my breath hit her skin.

Alessia inhaled sharply, her cheeks flushing as she gives me a playful shove. "Later," she insisted.

After what seems like both too short and too long of a time, we were finally in the car, heading to the airport. Alessia talked about her memories of Italy, of summers spent with her family by the sea.

At the airport, we were whisked through security with ease, thanks to my private jet waiting on the tarmac. Alessia settled into her seat beside me, her hand finding mine as we prepared for takeoff. I stole a glance at her and smiled. As the engines hummed to life and the plane began its ascent, I squeezed Alessia's hand gently.

Driving through the picturesque Italian countryside, the winding roads hugged by vineyards and dotted with quaint villages, I could feel the excitement building inside me. Alessia sat beside me, her eyes taking in the rolling hills and ancient olive trees that stretched as far as the eye could see. Her smile was infectious, and every glance in her direction filled me with warmth. This surprise was going to be perfect.

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