Chapter 10

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"She really loves you."


England was officially in the bubble. No one was allowed in and no one was allowed out. We were all still worried about the virus from the pandemic that happened a little over a year ago and a few of the girls had gotten sick after spending time with family. So, Sarina called us in for a meeting to apologize, but tell us we weren't allowed to physically be with our loved ones until we were out of the tournament or until it was over.

The girls were all bummed out and you could tell. Even Leah, our captain, struggled to not show her disappointment, but it all somehow brought us even closer. Leah and Millie called in for a game night and we had already played a couple various games, but now we were sitting around chatting.

"Let's talk about our families. Might help us feel a little better." Lotte suddenly threw out. We all agreed, verbally or silently. Lotte went first and we went around in a circle.

Tooney had just finished what she wanted to say and she looked at me. "Weren't you supposed to go out with your girlfriend and parents today?"

I nodded. "They were meeting each other for the first time. They still are. Just without me." I looked down at my shoes for a moment. "I have a lot of favorite memories. Hard to choose which one I love the most." A few of them laughed but I thought about it. "When I was leaving America to come play for United, Brooke showed up at my dorm with an envelope and she told me not to open it until I was on the plane."

"What was in it?" Rachel asked.

I smiled and looked down again to hide my red face. "She had written me a song and I think that's when I knew I was in love with her."

"I wish someone wrote a song for me." Mary said.

"It is quite romantic." Leah added.

"Brooke is so romantic that I don't know if it's sickening or cute." Tooney laughed. "I mean, she surprised Less by flying out a week early with flowers and dinner and literally confessing her love for her on Instagram."

"I think you're in love with my girlfriend, Ella."

"Who wouldn't be? She's hot and is one of the biggest singers in the world."

"Well, she's better behind the fame she hates."

"Is she good in bed?"

"Beth!" A chorus of girls shouted.

"You can't ask someone that." Lucy said.

"And I'm not answering that. I think our sex life stays between us. Please."

"I agree. Rach, you're turn."

A couple hours passed before we all started going our separate ways. I stayed down in the lounge with Tooney for a while longer before we left for training.

On my way out of mine and Ella's shared room, my phone rang. It was my dad. I had soon realized that lunch with Brooke was well over and had been for a while at this point.

"Hi, Dad." I answered. "I'm about to leave for training. How was lunch?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about."

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