1 - Pillar Men

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Centuries ago in the American continent lived a powerful species of a humanoid super-humans who would later be given the name;
The Pillar Men.

Their features were near identical to a human, though they were much more taller than the modern man. The features they had that distinguished them from man was their sharp teeth, pointed ears, long nails and the horns on top of their head.
But unlike most modern man they had a perfect structure - almost all of them being fit and extremely strong.

Their origins are unknown but what is known that they formed and built a civilization fit for them under the ground in order to hide form their only enemy: the sun - they had built houses and buildings with the rubble and rocks from the underground's and made pillars to support the rocks above them as to not cave in on them.

It was studied that this species were extremely powerful and highly intelligent - able to easily adapt to the changing world around them within seconds despite remaining underground and almost shut off from the world for centuries.

The only times they would venture outside was to hunt for resources and for food - which would primarily be humans.
Despite for the human tribes seeing them as gods to be worshipped or demons to be feared they would not interfere with the human race unless it was for food or if they decided to attack their home.

They all lived content with living by the rule of natural force and order amongst animals and humans living on the world - evolution.
They knew their power, and they knew their place. They would rather let something happen to them than seek and force change to happen.

For many years they lived in peace and prosperity with the way they went about with life.

Though, throughout the years there would be fewer and fewer of this species - not to the point of near extinction but to a point where nearly thousands or hundreds of smaller tribes in the clan would dwindle out of existence.

It was not of carelessness or the environment around them being unliveable - it was merely because of the fact the species thought it was unnecessary to reproduce when they were already immortal and could live for thousands of years without disturbance.

It was not frowned upon those who did decide to reproduce, it was not like it was a taboo thing it was just deemed unnecessary. The ones who did reproduce young was not for the benefit of keeping their species alive but only for the pleasure of the act or just a want to bear children and take care of young for personal reasons.

Everything about this species was rather peaceful, especially amongst themselves, despite their power and strength they did not demand for more with their life or more of their power or notoriety.

Though, this peace would have a sudden disturbance after a genius was born amongst them, a genius who would be the reason their whole species would be wiped out.

To be continued.

Pillar Men: Origins Where stories live. Discover now