22 - Honesty over Dishonesty

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After many long days of travel the three elemental gods had finally settled briefly in the country of China - it was an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar threats, but like always they easily adapted within a few short minutes upon arrival, even learning the local language within a short amount of time as well.
They found an abandoned tall structure to hide from the sun - this will be their new temporary base for the next few days.
The village they were staying in just had just faced a harsh battle and most of the villages occupants were now deceased so most of the buildings in the village - which were usually filled with nearly 500 humans - were now empty and theirs for the taking.

"Esidisi," Kars spoke as he walked up to his partner, "when the sun falls behind the mountain I shall send you on a mission."
He handed the man a piece of paper and clasped it in his hands, he leaned forward whisper in his ear, " there is a man here in China I want you to study his knowledge from - he is rather well known here as a famous philosopher as well as a military general, I want you to venture out and study from him for the few days we are here - when you return you shall share his knowledge with us."

The flame god clasped the paper firmly in his hands and looked into his partners crimson eyes, locking onto them.
"As you wish, darling," he nodded.

"We cannot stay here for too long - the last pin pointed location of the stone is somewhere known Rome, I presume it's in the possession of the current Emperor," the man began to explain, his tone a serious and stern one, his eyes never darting away from Esidisi's blue eyes, "we are only here so we can learn from that famous philosopher for some of our future battles."

Kars took a step away from the man and turned his back, he looked over his shoulder to glance at his partner one more time, " I have a hunch the humans are catching on to our plan, knowing those rodents they would try to stop us with any means necessary - we need everything possible at our disposal to fend off the humans."

"But we can easy defeat them, those humans cannot possibly have a chance at even landing a scratch on us with the powers we have," Esidisi let out a confident chuckle, placing a hand on his hips, " no matter what tricks they have up their sleeves we are untouchable, we could easily just kill the lot simply by walking past them!"

"Wrong," Kars turned his head away with a sharp turn, facing away from Esidisi, his tone remained serious, "humans are unpredictable - I have told you that many times - their intelligent and strength may be incredibly less than ours, but with their ability to freely go out during both day and night they could gather things or learn ways to defeat us could be our downfall, they are more advanced in their weaponry - those humans will use everything at their disposal as well to defeat what they deem a threat to their human nature, their unpredictability could possibly lead us to our downfall, and I cannot risk being killed by a humans stupidity after all that we have worked so hard to accomplish."

The god of light turned around to face his partner, his hair flowed as he turned his torso, " as soon as the sun no longer shines in the sky you will find that man, if you don't show yourself as a threat he will not see you as a threat - offer to be a student for him, I give you three days maximum to learn as much as you can from the man."

Esidisi bowed his head, "of course Kars."

Kars turned his head, a slim smile bloomed on his face - but deep inside he felt himself feel his stress levels rise. The stone was closer than it was before, but he cannot track it 24/7. For all he knows the longer he takes the stone could be traded off to someone else in a mother country - or worse, shattered into pieces.

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