2 - Kars the Prodigy

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Kars was born thousands years ago to his mother and father; he would be their first and last child.
He was born with long purple hair that waved gracefully in the wind and seemingly never knotting, the three grey horns on his head almost resembled a crown - but three horns were common amongst his species. His eyes were red like expensive stones and he would usually wear sharp eyeliner with was accompanied by his blue birthmarks upon the lips of his eyes which spread out like wings on his face.
The man was considered attractive amongst his species with his stature but despite that he would never be attracted to someone else or fall in love, not yet at least.

His mother had long silky white hair whilst his father had dark brown hair which was naturally wavy like his. Both of them were psychically strong and attractive.

His mother was a hunter, but primarily hunted smaller mammals. That was all his family would be given as food.
His mother did not like the idea of killing and eating the human race - it was too harsh for her. But even so, she was a fierce fighter - Kars knew that, but never knew for the longest time why she never used her fighting abilities on larger mammals.

His father was well regarded in his species, the heir to be chief of a large tribe amongst the species.
He had tremendous power and influence despite just being an heir - but he had never used the power for good use.
"Why does father not use the power he has to command more people to the tribe? Why would he just prefer to use that power on minuscule things such as how a monument or structure shall be built or what evening a banquet shall be hosted," Kars would often think to himself, "when I am next in line I shall use my power for more - I shall command raids and pillages on whatever other intelligent species or some other acts of the sorts for a higher status. I will use the power I have to become more powerful..."

Kars was regarded as a genius by most - his intelligence was one most inspired and feared. Though Kars was never one to flaunt and show off his intelligence in order to prove a point. He wouldn't show the full extent of his intelligence and knowledge to anyone for most of his life.
He was a simple man for the first few years of his life and following the rules given to him but over time he became aware of his species way of life and how it was almost on a continuous loop.
Overtime, he would seek for more - more power, more notoriety, a strive to be above all. With all his new views on life he slowly began to despise this life style of his species.

Perhaps he would find his calling on the surface - he knew of the human's existence but since he was still considered young in his species he would never be allowed out.
Maybe it was another rule of his species or maybe it was just his parents being overprotective.

Whatever the case may be he knew that he would not be allowed to interfere with human life besides to hunt for food or if they were to attack them.

He didn't care about the humans and what he could do with them - he just wanted to see how they lived life and how they interacted with the world around them. Maybe the reason he was not allowed to be on the surface was because the humans were violent or harbour a sort of power that could dominate the world and being his species to the bottom of the food chain.

In the very dead of night he snuck out - the world around him amazed him.

It was large, it seemed to go on forever!

But he did not get the vastness of his surroundings get to him for long - he quickly had gotten used to the sky and rocks around him and began to make his way over to a cliff side which over looked a village.

For years he watched over the same village almost every night - there would always be something new happening.
Poverty, public execution, farming, famine, wars, plagues, natural disasters and plenty of death. New dynasty's would arise and collapse, new kings to the throne and new enemies to oppose them.
He would watch as the village turned into a large kingdoms and how the small houses eventually were renovated to accommodate larger families despite the harshness and the lower life expectancy due to the lack on knowledge on disease and general biology - something Kars' species would not even consider to worry about.

It always seemed to amuse him how the humans went about with their lives. Though he would never grow attached to any single one of them, he wouldn't care if they all one day dropped dead - he could just find a new village to observe like they were just puppets putting on a performance for his amusement - and a new set of humans to look over would mean new experiences he could observe and take notes off.

Though, he was disappointed at the possible potential the humans had. They had the power to build strong castles and homes and powerful weapons to use in conflict but they just never seemed to use it to their full advantage.

They had the ability to tame wild ferocious animals to use in farming yet never really used that skill to its full potential.

Though this village certainly wasn't strong enough to kill off his species in its entirety they certainly could take over as many nearby villages and claim it as their own - killing anything in their path to get such goal.

But they never did, only residing in their own small bubble and waited for someone to either go to war with them or pillage them.
They had army's but never sent them to fight unless provoked by outside forces.

Then, he made the connection to his own species.
His species, though being at the very top of the food chain and basically near immortal, were weak.
They had so much potential - they had the power to take over this little colony of humans with zero effort but decide to hide underground like a bunch of meek rabbits.

"Absolutely pathetic," Kars muttered to himself angrily, "why must our species hide underground and live our own peaceful life when we could build a hierarchy on the human land, claim the land to be ours and be properly seen as Gods and not some legends in a book!"

The man quickly  thought of an answer - his species were afraid of the sun, if they could all somehow tame the sun and not be instantly killed by the rays of the deadly star they could all come out of hiding and take the land.

The tricky thing was how they could be able to do such a thing, it was not an easy task to take such a gigantic mass in the sky.

Kars glanced at the village with intent before going back down underground - doing research and planning out his domination in secret.

To be continued.

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