18 - Weak-Minded Boy, Weak-Minded Warrior

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The boy opened his eyes to see he was in the middle of a large arena, he looked up at the large crowd watching down on him - he could all see their eyes but could not differentiate them from person to person, they all looked blurry and could not make out who they were - he estimated that there were more than a thousand people in the audience who were all watching him.
Regardless, they all began cheering him on, all chanting the boy's name in unison.
" WAMUU THE WARRIOR!" He heard a man cry, punching his fist into the air.
"ALL MY BETS ARE ON WAMUU TO TAKE THE WIN!" A woman cried, throwing golden coins at the boy in the arena.
"GET 'EM, WAMUU, SHOW NO MERCY!" Another cried out.
All of the audience were cheering him on, but for what exactly?
The boy looked down at his hands and saw he was holding a stick with a sharp end - was it a spear, javelin or trident?  He did not know for certain, it was almost too blurry - but all he knew was that it was a weapon.

It was clear what they were cheering him on for - a fight, he was in arena and was going to fight for their amusement.
The boy opposed fighting for someone's entertainment - but if these people were expecting him to fight then he would prove himself to be a worthy warrior to the people - he could not disappoint the masses.

The crowd roared and cheered as the boy heard the sounds of gates opening - all around him was a void, he could not see where his opponents might attack from.
He listened out for what direction they might come from to estimate his aim of attack but the more he attempted to focus in on the noise the crowd got louder and rowdy.
But still, he managed to differentiate the noises of the loud ecstatic crowd and the sound of his enemy approaching.

With that, he faced his opponent as they charged at him.
He could not make out who his opponents were - at first they looked human, but than their shadowy figures morphed into something completely different - regardless, he did not take notice or even flinched when their shadowy bodies contorted.
He just fended off his opponents and easily took them down - one by one more shadowy figures came to attack from all around him.
Easily the boy took them down one by one, though they came in large groups and charged at him with incredible speed he managed to down them with a simple swing of his weapon or a stab into a vital part of their bodies.

This went on for what felt like hours - more shadowy figures charged and attempted to attack while the boy attacked with his weapon. It was incredibly easy - almost laughable at how easy it was to fend.

He managed to down all of them what seemed like years - no more began approaching or attacking.
He looked up at the audience with a triumphant smile, his fist raised up into the air; " my people, I have defeated my foes! Thank you for granting me this opportunity to show you my worthiness of being a warrior!"

His voices echoed and bounced off the walls, no one spoke - the once loud and rowdy audience was now dead silent. They all looked down at the boy with utter disappointment and disgust. The boy managed to hear them mutter and whisper  amongst themselves about him - their words never positive.

The boy did not understand, he did what he was meant to, he defected all his enemies and oppositions! Did he not impress them enough yet, what did he need to do to prove himself?!

"You, boy," a voice called from behind him.
He turned around and took a step back.
Behind him stood two people, a male and female, both with blonde hair similar like his. They both looked oddly familiar to him, like they were someone he had met or known years ago - but yet their voices did not match their bodies, both their faces were blurry however - like the memory of them weren't still fully in tact despite  him supposedly knowing the two of them.

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