14 - Santana, name means Holy

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Many years have past since the boys were taken, the boys had grown to men - they had been fought and trained by the two men who had raised them for days on end.
In their minds they viewed them as their fathers but Kars rejected that title given to him, though Esidisi secretly liked being the father of the two.

Kars always stated that to be a father is to disregard one's child - a father's role is not to care but to harshly encourage one for their own selfish desires and that Kars was above that.
Esidisi however did take up the role of being a fatherly figure to the boys but was warned on getting too attached, "if one of the boys were to die in battle and you were attached to him like your child than you would get too emotional to continue the fight," he once stated to the man, "I know how emotional you get, I've witnessed it - I do not want a situation where one of the boys die in battle and you are vulnerable to the humans attacks..."

The men were around the age equivalent to a teenage human - they had been trained on battling larger mammals but were not fit to be outside their temporary homes without their masters permission and supervision and were not permitted to fight the humans just yet - they had to continue their training.

With that it gave the boys time alone to bond and grow a stronger friendship with each other as they were left alone whenever their masters had to go venture out for food or to search for the stone they were hunting down for.

Despite their differences they would get along fairly well - Santana enjoyed Wamuu's company and Wamuu enjoyed hearing Santana talk about other things besides training and fighting.

Even though Santana was one of little words and expressions he was the more intelligent and outwitting one of the two whitest Wamuu was the strongest and most honourable.
But yet, that still did not sever their bond.

Though not connected by blood and genes they were close like brothers.
But they would have their disagreement and fights like brothers, but it would not usually escalate into something drastic.
However, Santana was rather unpredictable despite his usually emotionless state.

"Santana," Wamuu spoke up as the man sharpened a peddle he found with the sharp edge of his claw-like nails - which were painted red to match the red square shaped tattoo on his face.
The two of them sat on the floor of their temporary bedroom.
Since they were usually on the move to different states and countries almost every week they could not set up a proper home and had to bring along bedding made from animal fur which was usually laid on the rock floor - they had no furniture besides the small items they brought with them along their journey, which usually consisted of smaller weapons and even smaller personal belongings.
" Do you recall where you got your knowledge on insects, I would really like to know as you seem to knowledgeable on the topic despite you not going out as often as I do," Wamuu asked, continuing to sharpen the stones edge into a pointed spearhead.

Santana looked across the small enclosed room at the man and watched as he sharpened the stone, he just shrugged and replied, " do not recall - but believe it was from man before massacre who told me, perhaps a mentor."

The boys were told about the massacre of their people way later in life - but they were not angry at their masters for it.
They never knew anyone else of their species besides their masters and legends of warriors with powers like their masters that were told to them by Lord Esidisi to even get mad at the fact of the extermination of their people.
They just always thought what their masters did was necessary and slowly the memory of those who fought against the two men would fade away - though the traditions of the people would be passed on to the boys.

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