7 - A Monstrous Discovery

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Esidisi and Kars ventured down to the human village at the dead of night together, mask in hand and with their newfound power they had just unlocked only moments before - planning to experiment with the human lives and the mask.

As the two stood at the edge of the village Esidisi let out an uproaring announcement to all the humans who could hear him, "people of the village, I, Lord Esidisi have arrived with my partner Lord Kars, you shall treat him with the upmost respect or else there will be severe consequences."

Like before, the people of the village cowered before the man, either hiding in their homes or staying far from the two as they walked through the village.

Kars looked around at the humans, they turned their heads away in an attempt to not make eye contact.
The man smirked, impressed how Esidisi managed to tame this entire village in just a few short minutes. Even without their unlocked powers they were powerful, it made him think how pathetic his species was just wasting away underground when they have this much power and influence over the human race to simply tame them in a few short minutes.

They both reached into the middle of the village and approached a tall monument of the ruler of the village which stood tall and looked down on its citizens like they were mere ants. Kars unsheathed his blade from his arm and cut through the monument with ease, slicing it in half. It fell to the floor and shattered with a loud noise which attracted more people to investigate the ruckus and mayhem going on.
Esidisi stood atop where the statue once stood and looked upon the village, all the humans looked up at him with fear on what the man would do next.

"Citizens, me and my partner are here to select a few participants for an experiment, if you wish to participate to please your gods raise your hand, if not than we shall select by random than promptly slaughter them entirety of your family as punishment for disobeying your gods."
The two looked around, everyone was stricken with fear and hesitation.

Esidisi had already left his mark on the village in the few short minutes he was in town, the village feared him, and now that there was a second God just like him who was as powerful as Esidisi.

There was silence, the humans looked around amongst themselves - wondering who would sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
A few minutes had passed and no one volunteered, everyone was just silent or muttered amongst themselves.
"Well, guess we shall choose for ourselves, your lack of loyalty and disobedience disappoints me," Esidisi sneered, "and for all the good I do to this village and you do no-"
As Esidisi gave his speech there was a sudden sharp pain in his neck, he fell to his hands and knees and began to have heave and wheeze heavily.
Kars looked towards the man and saw that he had been stricken by a spear from the back of the neck.
"Esidisi!" He cried out, worried.
Then he turned to the direction where the spear had been thrown from.
There he saw an army of men approaching the two, all holding various sharp weapons. In front of them stood a man who stood grand and tall, his expression strong with anger.
Kars knew who this person was - it was the man in the monument he had destroyed, the ruler of the village.
Kars unsheathed his blades on both of his arms and stood in between the human army and the injured Esidisi.
"Do not approach!" Kars stood guard, staring with murderous intent at the leader, standing his ground.
"Leave my village, you brutes," the leader demanded,  " you are no gods, you have no worthiness in this town. I do not fear you!"
The army readied their weapons, waiting for a command from their leader.

Kars eye twitched, his blood boiled with rage.
As he was about to pounce and attack he heard Esidisi let out an agonising scream, Kars wanted to turn around and check if the man was alright and tend to his wounds but he had to stand his ground and not get distracted whilst in battle.
Esidisi slowly stood back up to his feet. He pulled the spear out of his neck, letting out a bloodcurdling scream that rang out throughout the whole village.
Kars looked over his shoulder and saw something that he had never seen before - and certainly something he never knew his species could do.

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