13 - The Warriors, The Sons

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After the events the men had committed the  two of them fled far away with the two infants in hand, clutching them close and shielding them as they ventured across countries within a single day until the sun began to slowly creep its blinding light into the next day on its never ending cycle.

As soon as he saw the two boys Esidisi grew emotionally attached to them - he swore he would do anything to protect the two and raise them to be strong and able to fight for themselves.

"So, shall we name them?" Esidisi asked, turning to face his partner.
They both found a new cave to hide in as the sun rose from the horizon.
They placed the two babies on two separate pieces of animal fur for the two babies to sleep on and feel comfortable in as their temporary bedding - the two don't plan to stay in this cave for long as their goal is to search for the red stone that would help them unlock the sun with the mask so they would be moving regularly.
"Why do we need to name them?" Kars asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, so we can know who we can refer to and so they can have their own individually, there is so many reasons for a baby to be given a name," Esidisi spoke.
Kars sighed and shook his head, "Esidisi my dear, I do not want you to grow attached to these children like they are your sons - we are going to raise them to fight and be strong warriors, as soon as they learn to walk on two legs is when we train them."

"But," Esidisi pouted, " can we just give them a childhood they could never have? We killed their parents and they surely are going to miss them..." he whispered.

"They would not remember, they are just babies - I would say around 100 to 2,000 years old," Kars stated, "they would never remember their parents, and as long as we raise them with the knowledge of being a warrior they would not care for a childhood."
Though it seems like a lot of years that age would be the equivalent between a 2 week old and a 10 months old in human years.

Esidisi paused, then sighed, "well, can we still care from them like our own? Like celebrating the day of their birth or tucking them in and kissing them goodnight and telling them bedtimes stories of warriors?"

Kars sighed, then shook his head, "do what you must, I am going to explore this cave a little more, maybe there's some animal here we and the infants can feast on."
The man then stood up and began to walk deeper into the darkness of the caves abyss, the darkness almost seeming like it swallowed him - only the light emitting from the blade on his arms remained as he used it to see in the dark.

Esidisi looked down at the two baby boys - though he and Kars didn't know it one of them had been listening in on their conversation, one of them somewhat understood on what they were saying, and that baby did remember its parents but only barely.

The eldest baby, the one with blonde hair and tanned skin with a square shaped tattoo across his face. He has a small single horn in the middle of his forehead which was almost hidden by the small strands of hair he had growing.
That baby was listening on the men's conversation - he was confused on why he was here, at first he was left on a hillside to die for being too weak than these two men had taken him on and talked about training him to be a warrior as soon as he learnt to walk.
Was this another training exercise? Had his parents changed their mind on killing him and decided to give him proper training? If so, where was mama and papa?

Esidisi frowned at the babies, something about them reminded him of his sibling.
As soon as the carnage and massacre ended he had realised what he had done.

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