21 - Alone At The Top

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The final task of this trial had begun.
With a sharp inhale Wamuu twisted and contorted his body and made it as thin as possible as he almost looked like he turned to liquids and went through the cracks in the rocky mountain below him and beneath the ground, like how he had done before earlier with the family of bears.
Santana witnessed this, he gritted his teeth with fury - he had that exact plan in mind as well!

He cannot just copy Wamuu's actions in front of Kars and Esidisi - it would make him seem like he was the one copying Wamuu and would make Kars view him as nothing but someone who copies and is incapable to think and fight for himself like a true warrior and someone who would be worthy of the stone mask's powers - he had to find another way to sneak into the village undetected.
With a quick grumble he ran upon the top of the mountain and looked down at the humans village below - searching for a structure that seemed to be empty so he could still perform a sneak attack.

Once he spotted a house below that seemed to have no residents inside he than crawled down on all fours as low as he could down to the house - like a spider crawling down the rocky walls of the inside of a darken cave.

He was obscured with the darkness of the night, the torches that lit up the village were far away from him - he still had an advantage of a sneak attack, just as he originally planned!

He slithered in through the wooden structure, his body contorting into a thin shape as it almost looked like he were just phasing through the wall like a ghostly apparition.
He was now inside the small wooden structure - animals skins were placed upon the floor as bedding for whoever lived here, the building was small, barely the same size as his room, but homes weren't a place a human should be staying in for hours at the time. The humans slept on the floor - that's one thing he and the humans had in common.

He turned away and looked through the gaps in the walls of the house, watching for any humans that may walk past.
Santanas plan was to pull in humans one by one into the house so he could slaughter them and still remain undetected. It would be a tedious tactic, but he could not just do the thing Wamuu was doing - despite the fact it was his idea as well.

Santana watched the humans walk about, some seemed to be going about their night as normal - some going out socialising while many others are heading home, holding tonight's meal by the hands and back to their homes to feast.
Though, Santana observed some humans grow wary and suspicious, he was not sure on what as he was too busy waiting for one to draw closer to his hideout. But the humans just seemed to be wary and almost purposely cluttering in groups.

He waited, and waited.
No one got close, he listened out for any humans walking past - only ones in groups did.
He began to grow impatient, his claws slowly beginning to dig into the wooden walls of the house he was in - he could feel his impatient turn into anger.
The more he listened the more he realised something - he could not hear any sounds of distressed humans, was Wamuu even attacking anyone? Was he also waiting for an attack?
Maybe Wamuu hasn't killed any humans yet! Perhaps it did not matter if Santana just lunged out at the next group of unsuspecting humans - he would claim the first kill still, that would surely mean something and increase his chances of claiming the powers of the mask!

The man waited by the entrance of the structure, laying low and awaiting the next unsuspecting victims.
Once he heard the approaching footsteps of a human he lunged out of the entrance - his claw like nails locking onto whoever was unfortunate enough to be in his grasp, his nails dug into their skin and before they could even comprehend what was happening he pulled them inside the building and began to claw at them some more - scratching at their face and chest like a wild feline.

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