5 - The Future Warriors

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Though these two wouldn't be relevant in the story for a while it would be best to tell the story of the two warriors whom would be soon taken under the wing of Kars and Esidisi- their names would soon be Santana and Wamuu.

Both were very young, for pillar men standards, and would not remember much of their families prior to future events but their upbringing, even for a short while, would affect their personalities and how they view the world.

Though he was only a few years old at the time, which is the equivalent of being a few weeks old for humans, Wamuu was already raised to be a strong warrior.
His family came from generations of warriors and fighters which strived themselves to only grow stronger and fighter for their species.
He had two twin older brothers who were considered the best fighters - working under the chief of the tribe in an act to protect them and everyone else. Their parents were once working under the chief as well before retiring from the job - though, not retiring from training their sons and anyone who would desire training.

They were feared yet respected, almost everyone knew of their strength.

Wamuu would next be in line to be a feared warrior.
But, even as a young boy his parents had already deemed him to be a weak fighter - they somehow knew that he would never survive, that he would be too soft to be a warrior feared by all.
When his brothers were born they knew they would be strong - and when his mother was born her parents knew she would be a strong warrior.

But for Wamuu, who was not named at the time, there was something about him that determined that he would be a weak fighter.
His parents contemplated on what to do with him.
"Why not wait for the boy to grow old enough to train?" His father suggested, "he is only young - there is plenty of time for him to become a strong and powerful warrior."
His mother shook her head, "unlikely - there's no way he would survive the harsh training. He will grow up soft, his fighting spirit is not strong enough," she looked over at her husband, "let's just abandon him, give him away to another family or leave him out in the sun for dead - we already have two other sons who are excellent fighters, we won't lose much by killing our new child."

"But it's unethical, he is just a boy - so what if he grows up not a warrior and-" his father tried to explain.
"And what? Have him become a poet or a tailor or something that would not be beneficial for the tribe?! That's below us!" His mother snarled, sticking her finger into her husbands chest, " you were not born with the blood of this family so you do not understand, for millennia we have had strong fighters - to have a child who does not follow the tradition is dirt to our family name!"

She looked back at the child whom was asleep, but could very much hear what the two were discussing - though his parents did not know that he could understand them yet.

"I believe there is no hope for him - he will die in combat, he will shrivel up just by the sight of blood, he will cower and surrender so easily - it's best to put him out of his misery before he stains the name of our family."

"You cannot kill your own - as I said he is just a boy!" His father protested, " I'm sure your older sons will continue on the tradition to their own young so it would not matter if one of your sons did not desire to be a warrior, or did but wasn't strong enough."

His mother sighed, "I pride myself to this family, this long lineage of warriors is something dear to me. If I were not to continue this my father would resent me," she turned away from the baby, "I will have a think about this, what I decide on what to do with the baby is final."
She then walked out of the room, her husband following behind.

The child had heard all of that - even though he wouldn't remember his parents or brothers very well he would remember those words - even with the absence of his biological parents in the future he still trains himself in order to live up to their expectations, proving that he was not weak.

The next child, Santana, would also not be named at birth or be given a name for thousands of years, was born to an odd family.
Even with their diverse species whom all had a role to play inside their own civilization his father's job would stand out.
His father was an entomologist, studying the insects above and teaching about them to those who wish to learn.
There was not an official school system set amongst the species as they were all intelligent enough to learn quickly on their own accord but his father would normally teach to those who were too young to go up to the surface about the bugs and sometimes about smaller mammals too.

Most people deemed it to be an unnecessary job as once the children are old enough to go to the surface they would instantly know about the bugs and animals above.
His father would not care if it was unnecessary - insects was something he was enthusiastic about and wanted to share with other children, especially his own son.
Santana would really find himself being interested in bugs and small animals like how his father was interested in them - the monarch butterfly, the Amazonian giant centipede and the European hare being a few of his many favourites.
Santana would not remember a lot about his father or whether he even had a mother as well but his fascination with bugs and animals stayed with him all thanks to his father.
He would learn a lot of characteristics from animals growing up - instead of being taught how to hunt and kill prey he had watched wolves, bears, foxes and many other carnivores animals and learnt from them.

With the profession his father had he would never last in combat, he could never defend himself, even if he had a chance he would never be able to defend himself from events that would happen in the near future...

To be continued.

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