3 - Esidisi the Rascal

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Esidisi was born in a special type of family amongst his near immortal species. He was the second oldest sibling in the family - he had five siblings, three girls and two boys, one of those sisters being older than him.
It was uncommon for his species to have plenty of children born in a span of only a few years.
He would often take care of his siblings when his parents and older sister went hunting for foods or to go do any other important things he would usually not care about, he would joke around with his younger siblings in a brotherly way, playing all sorts of games and pulling any sort of prank he could on them - they would always end up on the floor laughing hysterically. He was a harmless prankster, but also rather outwitting and intelligent. In all his life being alive he would never make a single enemy - no one would expect him to be the reason most of his species would perish.

Often, he was told by his parents that he had to find some sort of job that would be beneficial for their tribe and not just fool around with his younger siblings for the rest of time.
But Esidisi thought; "why, don't we already have it all? Haven't our benefits already been met?"
He knew of the human race above but never thought much about them for years - but this sudden thought made him believe; 'was there something in the human world that we do not have? If so let's go claim it! Let's go up to the human world and take it all!"
He knew the humans feared his species, he knew if he was spotted in the human village they would all bow down and cower to him. He could simply just take whatever the humans had for himself and give it back to his species.

However, this was just a thought he had - he was warned about the human world and interfering with them by his parents and older sister who had ventured outside many times so he remained underground with his siblings for decades, content with life how it is - though in the back of his head he would like to know how powerful he could really be in the human world, he wanted to play God for a little while with the humans and toy with them and see what bizarre acts and tricks they could perform - just for the fun of it.
But that was also just a thought, he would never actually act on them.

But, one day after the usual venture outside for food for his siblings his parents would never come back.
They had insisted for his older sister to stay put with Esidisi and teach him how to hunt and what animal above to kill and which one to avoid with the help with someone else who was entomologist amongst their species to help teach him about the insects above.

His parents absented wasn't fully realized and taken seriously for weeks as many assumed they found a place to hide and if they were to have ventured far from their hideout that they could simply survive any harsh terrain and biomes that is thrown at them. But weeks passed and everyone began to assume the worst.

"The two must've have been victims to the rays of the sun," Esidisi heard someone while at walking out in his village.
"How can two professional hunters somehow be killed by the sun, they know better to not be standing directly under it," another spoke.
"Perhaps an animal had attacked them and during the battle the sun began to rise," another added.
"I bet the humans had something to do with it, those humans must've somehow captured the two and hung them by their ankle and forced them to endure the sun as a torture method!" An older woman speculated.

"Humans capturing them? Impossible.
Those humans couldn't even capture a wild bull if it was dormant and vulnerable" Esidisi thought to himself, though, this had made his interest in the human world spike.

For days after the death he began to think more of the humans - his question from years ago had came back into his mind; " was there something in the human world that we do not have? "
He knew what the humans had, they had the ability to stand under the sun without fear of dying, they could bathe under the suns rays and not turn into nothing but a pile of dust - if his parents had this ability they would've still been alive.

But how could they have such ability that his species do not have? Perhaps it was some sort of magic or something genetic - he would want to see for himself, perhaps if he pretended to be their God he could learn on how to be immortal to the sun like the humans below him.

To be continued.

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