16 - Pierce the Warriors Heart

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It was the night after the attempted murder that Santana had acted out, the atmosphere was thin and uneven.
Wamuu had walked outside from the cave and traveled down to the bottom of the mountain where the cave was to a nearby hot spring.

He took off all of his clothes and accessories off, folded them neatly and placing his accessories on top all on a nearby rock and away from the boiling waters and sat inside the hot spring to relax his muscles after spending that entire day just training and working his body to it's limit.

He finally had time to relax and have a moment for himself - but yet his brain kept on going back to the incident yesterday.
The rage Santana had against him, it made him rethink on his view on that man. He always referred to him as a brother in secret even though Kars opposed that title. But, now he was unsure on what to think of the man anymore.

But even so he still did not feel any hatred towards the man for his actions - he could not hate the battle, in fact, he almost admired it. Though it was wrong for Santana to do he almost admired the strength and determination Santana had in his blind state of rage.
He wished his wounds of last night did not heal so perfectly - he wished it would at least leave a scar as some sort of badge of honour to Santana that he would wear with him for centuries.

Though, Wamuu was surprised that he did not fight back - it was not like he couldn't, he had every chance and opportunity and reason to do so - but he just could not bring himself to harm Santana.
He was so surprised at this, he would normally attack in combat but his body just somehow stopped him from doing so - like the reflex of fighting had just switched off in his brain and made him unable to defend himself in fear that it would end up killing Santana.

He shook his head and cleared his mind - this would be something he would need to think of later.
He let out an exhale as he slumped himself deeper into the water, his head resting against the warm rock behind him. His muscles relaxed - they had been tensed up the entire day as he worked out.
His feet were sore, his arms felt weak - but his body would get used to it if he trained for longer and harder.

An hour and a half had passed, he had been sitting in the hot spring for that entire time.
It was long enough for him to relax, maybe a bit too over the limit - but with what he was training for he did deserve to rest himself for a moment and focus on other things than training.
He stood up to his feet, the hot boiling water droplets dropped off the man's defined muscles and long blonde hair - standing there everything about him as exposed for the world to see.

He got out and quickly slipped on his clothes and placed on his accessories.
Then, a thought hit him - he had an idea on how to honored Santana.

Instead of going back to the cave he went into another cave nearby that went straight down underground into unexplored mines in order to search for something he needed to enact his new plan.

Back at the cave, Kars and Esidisi were alone together in their bedroom - a single candle illuminated the room in a warm yellow glow. Esidisi laid on the bed whilst Kars was looking into a mirror that was placed upon a shelf carved into the stone walls of the cave wall, he was putting on some new pairs of golden earrings that hung from his ears - testing to see if he would like them - he had found them off the body of a human whom he had killed that day, the human must've been a priest or someone of high status to own those golden earrings.
His long purple hair was tied up in a high ponytail - miraculously not getting knotty or tangled despite how long his hair would be. He had blue powder coating the top lip of his eyes that spread out like wings across his face, his black eyeliner was also spread out on his face and made his eyes look sharp - with a simple glance at them would strike fear onto whoever would be unfortunate to look into them.

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