4 - Esidisi the God

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The man climbed up to the surface in the dead of night in search for a nearby human village.

He stopped and paused as he looked out at the vastness of the world around him - he heard stories of the human world but there was never really any set description of world above, the story would always change depending on who may be telling it.
The sky around him was pitch black besides with the small glimmers of lights above and a giant orb accompanying them.

He instantly knew what the thing above was - it was the moon and stars, his parents told him about it before they vanished - he still wasn't fully convinced they had died by the sun, they were expert hunters there's no way they could possibly be caught up in the sun.

Nevertheless, Esidisi began to climb down the mountain and to a nearby source of lights, which he knew was a village full of humans.
He began to walk towards it with little in mind - he didn't have much of a plan on what he may do there, only ask about how they can resist the deadly suns rays.

He heard a commotion as he drew closer to the human village, he could see from afar some humans were now noticing the large looming figure approaching the town and were hiding from the very sight of it.
This brought a sudden smirk onto Esidisi's face, never in his life had he felt feared - he almost got joyous with the feeling.

He stood at the edge of the town and watched as the human mouth were agape with awe and terror.
Some hid, some stood there almost paralyzed looking at the man, some even began to grab something to defend themselves.

Esidisi knew this was going to be fun.
He took a deep breath in and began to loudly announced his presence.
"Humans, I am your God. Address me as Lord Esidisi," he called out as he raised his arms out - making himself look large and grand, "I've been watching over this village for millennia and I am the reason you all have been given good fortune, but I can so easily take it all away!"

He paused, watching for everyone's reactions.
Fear, pure fear.
He smiled.

"That is right, I, Lord Esidisi have been your sole caretaker of this village; I am the reason crops grow and the reason why you have tamed animals for your agriculture purposes. I am the one who brings daylight to this darken world, I am the one who brings about the newborn for generations to come!" The man began to walk down the streets of town, making sure his message was heard by all, " I am the one who keeps all the evils away, I am the one who makes the drinking water clean, but I can oh so easily take it all away if I am not satisfied with how this village runs!"

This was fun! Esidisi was getting so much joy from this.
This made him wonder why his species had never done this before, they could so easily tame thousands of human villages with just by standing there and announcing pure nonsense in order to gain status and fear.

Why do their species just cower in fear under the ground and hunt for food when they can so easily have humans do it for them!

"Stay back!" A group of the villages had banded together, all holding touches and whatever sharp objects they may use as weapons, "in the name of our King and village we will slain this demon from our peaceful and humble town!" They announced.

Esidisi looked down at them, surprised but also amused. Even when faced with a being as mighty as him they still try to fight back even if by chance they knew they could never win - these humans were amusing.

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