9 - Notes from the Underground

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After their passionate day with each other in the cave the sun began to fall behind the horizon and the moon roses once again - like it has always done for centuries.
The two quickly and quietly snuck out of the cave and down the mountain, remaining as low as they possible can to the ground as to not be seen by the villages and not alert anyone - even though they had to complete control over the village they did not want to spark another conflict again in case of an uprising like before.

Kars used the power of his light to hide his body to sneak around the manmade walls of the houses the humans crafted for shelter, almost going completely invisible as he slithered through each alleyway and small crevices of the structures.

There was still pandemonium amongst the village folk, they were still in a panicked state after the death of their once respected leader - all unsure on what their fate is now, without a leader they all looked like ants performing a death spiral, all clueless on what they should do.
Kars was intrigued on what the humans would do now their leader was killed. He decided to observethe humans like he used to do - but this time up close.

A small group of humans had gathered in a building close to him and began to discuss something that peaked his interest, he stood outside and pressed his ear up against the wall and listened in.
"With the leader defeated what shall we do?" One of the humans spoke.
"The leader had no heir or anyone he said would follow on his footsteps and be the leader - not even a spouse. There's no one who can take his place as leader anymore!" Another cried.
"What's the harm of having no leader to rule over us, there's no rules we have to follow anymore!" Another human suggested, raising their fist in the air.
"Don't be foolish, we can't just have no ruler..." another hissed.
"Well, why not we take over the village? Let us take our legion of men and rule over this town!" One human cheered.
"No - that's suicide, what if those Gods come back? We will be next in line for the slaughter - it's the Gods that should be the real rulers, that's why they killed the old ruler."
"They are no gods, you halfwit!" One human spat in response, " no matter the powers they harbour they are no gods of ours - they are demons!"

Kars did not take offence to that claim - he didn't care what the humans thought of him, all he wanted was the full potential of his species.
Feared? Worshipped? Respected by the humans? He did not care what the humans thought of him and his partners actions and morals, he was not going to barge into the home and slaughter the lot for their opinion on the matter. They can think what they want- no human is going to effect and taint the plan he and his partner had for the entirety of his species - they will reach immortality no matter the cost.

He shook his head and let out a simple sigh and slithered through the buildings and structures and continued to look around the village - everyone seemed to be huddled in small or medium sized groups - almost as a survival instinct after what happened the night before. Kars had to find someone who was on their own to kidnap as to not cause any disturbance once again.

Esidisi was looking on the other side of the village, using his extended vessels to dig underneath the ground and sense the heat of anyone who may be alone.
He could tell if someone was on their own by the temperature of the selected area - the more humans were together the hotter the temperature would be.

His vessels could extend as far as he wanted to, he had no limit to its range. He checked every crevice and home for anyone who might be alone - every inch of the town would not be left unchecked.
So far, all the humans he would detected were all in groups - either with loving families having their nightly feasts together or small to median size groups of alliances gathered together for some sort of meeting.
Whatever the case was may be with the humans intentions of sticking close to one another the humans were not left alone.

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