8 - I'll Only Love You More

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"Hm, you seemed to have healed rather quickly from that spear," Kars held up Esidisi's head, inspecting the wound he had gotten on his neck moments ago, "the spear seemed to have only just missed your larynx, if the spear hit directly there it may have caused a lot of damaged or even have decapitated you - than it would be a lot harder to heal from, you could have even died..."

Esidisi didn't respond - he had returned to his regular form with his face and horn all back to normal but still seemed to be reserved and quiet, something he is never like at all in his years of walking the Earth.
Kars shook his head and sighed to himself, "Esidisi, it is unlike you to not be talkative - do not tell me there is nothing to worry about because I can tell there is something bothering you, please do tell!"

Esidisi just gave him a quick sadden glance, then his eyes shot away to the rocky cave walls around him- forcing his eyes to look elsewhere but at the man, "just don't worry about it, Kars."
"Esidisi," Kars held the man's chin, making the man look into his crimson red eyes, "as long as it bothers you it will bother me, I cannot have you in this negative mindset - tell me what is the matter!"

Esidisi looked at the man, his eyes growing wide like a sensitive puppy, almost like he was going to cry.
"Kars, nothing is bothering me," Esidisi scooted himself away from the man, turning his whole body away, "someone like yourself shouldn't worry on someone as weak as me..."

"Weak?" Kars spoke, offended, "I would never find you weak, you are the strongest warrior I know! Even without your newfound powers I never found you to be weak!" Kars stood up to his feet.
Esidisi kept himself facing away from the man, contemplating something to himself.

"Have I ever called you weak? Have I ever stated that your strength and powers was inferior to me?" Kars tone was angry but he wasn't angry at Esidisi at all, " no, I have not! I will not allow you to think that way of yourself."

"But I am weak, I let my emotions get the better of me," Esidisi held in a sob, "I was a monster, my frustration turned me into a hideous beast with unbridle rage - I thought surely you would just leave me than and there, abandon me and leave me for the worms..."

Kars paused for a moment than sat beside the man, placing his arm on his shoulder, "I would never, do not think I would do something I would not do."
"But I cry, I cry like an infant behind closed doors!" Esidisi began to sob," a strong warrior would never cry during combat, now my emotions have turned me into a horrid beast with an equally horrible face."

"Esidisi, I do not care that you are emotional," Kars quickly stopped the man's thoughts in his tracks, " you are an excellent warrior and fighter and your emotions help with that - you are not weak because you are emotional, you are strong because you show your emotions instead of hide them."

Esidisi paused for a moment, thoughts ran through his head.
He was known for being the joyful prankster, the fun older sibling - yet he is a crybaby, but still considered strong.
Logically, how he was raised and how he saw other warriors during his lifetime, that is just not possible.
His older sister and parents were considered strong and he was next in line to follow behind his sister and fight for his family but yet he cried like a human.

"Esidisi, I do not care how much you cry, I do not care how monstrous your face becomes when you get frustrated, I do not care if you get emotional during a battle - in the end of the day you are an excellent ferocious fighter who always kills his opponents in the end and I love you for that," Kars placed both his hands on the man's shoulder, looking deep into his blue eyes.
"You...love me?" Esidisi repeated the man's words slowly.
Kars paused, this was the first he had actually said those words to Esidisi - they both knew they had loved  and desired each other but they never outright said those three words to each other.
"Of course I love you, haven't I made it clear by my actions and body language," Kars asked, shrugging.
"I knew you love me, you just never been straight forward and expressive of it, I'm usually the one giving the kisses to you whenever I am given the chance," Esidisi stated, smirking, "hearing you say those words are new to me, say it again," he stuck out his tongue teasingly, his tears had completely gone.

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