17 - Desired Family

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The night was new, the moon was full - it illuminated the land below.
Only the nocturnal creatures were out - but besides that almost all life was absent, only the rustling of hiding small wooden creatures and the screeches of bats and owls faintly filled the atmosphere.
The wind was cold but calm, almost still - but it still made the fabric and hair of the two men's flow in the winds directions.

The two of them climbed all the way to the top of the mountain where there was a flat surface for the two of them to train for their upcoming deadline, it was wide enough for the two to spar and train.

Santana looked out into the dark horizon, his hair - which had a golden cuff tired near the end of it - flowed in the cold breeze.
The landscape was endless - so much was to be explored, so many bugs to be discovered - when Santana gets his powers he will venture out further and explore more, and when Santana gets hold of the red stone and becomes immortal to the sun he will properly study entomology.

Wamuu on the other hand was only wanting to get the powers so he can prove himself that he is an excellent fighter. With his powers he would be stronger - he did not mind at all which one he got; the flames of Master Esidisi or the light of Master Kars, or perhaps something new entirely- he knew he would use it and master it well.

"Santana, tell me - what do you know about handling weapons in a battle, more so hand to hand combat?" Wamuu asked, holding onto the handle of a spear.
Santana looked over his shoulder towards the man, his face expressionless and stone cold as usual, "I know how to use a dagger...." He suddenly paused his sentence, gulping.

Wamuu blinked, "I know, you already demonstrated that quite well before..."
Though his tone seemed serious and cold and he had almost no expression on his face and was unchanging that was meant to be a light hearted joke.

Though Santana just seemed to just frown and divert his eyes someplace else.
"....I also know how to stab and throw spear, but mainly use just hands when in combat - and...I use something else as well..." Santana added on, keeping his gaze away from Wamuu - he glanced off at the bats flying into the darkness of the sky.

"...something else?" Wamuu raised an eyebrow and placed a hand on his hip, "would you tell me what that may be?"

"No," Santana sharply snapped in reply.
"No? Why no?" Wamuu spoke, he grew unconcerned and suspicious on why Santana refuse to tell, "if you tell me it would maybe help us in both achieving the masks powers."
Santana looked over his shoulder at the man once again, " would not help, Lord Kars and Esidisi would find it gross and would not give powers."

"Gross? What do you mean gross?" Wamuu interrogated, " if it helps you in combat than that's all that really matters - I doubt they'll care if it's gross or not..."

Santana turned his full body to face the man, he looked annoyed with Wamuu's pestering.
"Fine, you really want to know? I will just show you," he spat.
With a heave the man turned his back to Wamuu once again - he hunched over, clenched his fist and gritted his teeth - his body began to twitch and shake for a moment before he leaned back and let out a cry into the night sky.
Suddenly, almost at the speed of light, a sharp boney tendril emerged from both sides of the man's torso - four on each side.
They all shot out towards Wamuu, all instantly stopping before they could strike at the man.

Wamuu looked in awe, he had never seen Santana do something like this ever - or even knew his species could do it!

"Ribs Blades is what I call it, both a mixture of body manipulation and own muscle training is why I can do this," Santana began to explain," I only use when hunting alone - either in combat or as ambush."

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