15 - I Want To Be YOU

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"...Drastic...Unique..." he continued to repeat to himself as he paced around the house, thinking long and hard on what he was going to do as his plan of action.
He had done almost everything he could to impressive Lord Kars so how can he think of something new, but also had to not copy Wamuu.

How would he do that? What could he possibly do that he has not done before?
Maybe he could go try to fight a human and bring its deceased body to the man as proof - Wamuu has not killed a human yet so if he were to do it first it would surely impress the man and prove his worthiness as a warrior.
But, he had to find one first - and they were far away from any civilization.

Santana did not know the surrounding landscape well enough yet - and since they were on the move so often he could not learn about the area fast enough to scout out any nearby human civilizations.

He glanced out longingly at the night sky through the entry of the cave - hoping to see any sign of a human just from the entry of the cave.
But he could not see any, only endless valleys and forest of tall trees and shrubs as the eye can see. It was all a coat of green and brown and nothing else - nothing that could in the slightest make out any sort of abnormality amongst the natural preserved life.

They'll eventually move to another state or country in a matter of days week or months, maybe he will be closer to humans than.
Wait, no...
He had to kill a human as soon as he can - he could not wait, in the time he waits Wamuu could go kill a human and his plans would be foiled - there was nothing more honorable than killing a puny human so anything else he would do would not impress Kars.

Nothing would, nothing Santana would do would impress the man - he wasn't even sure that killing a human would even impress him.
But, if Wamuu could identify all 10 quintillion species of bugs then it would impress the man.

Everything seemed to be perfection when Wamuu did it!
Kars was impressed and praised Wamuu when he corrected the man earlier about the animal they killed being an elk, if he were to correct the man Kars would just scoff and roll his eyes annoyed and would probably say something like; " you don't need to be so harsh when correcting me," or "I already know that."

Negative thoughts began to swim back inside his mind - he looked back on times where he did something and never was regarded but when Wamuu did the same thing or something similar he was praised and respected.

He clutched his fist - his sharp claw-like nails dug deep into the skin of his palm. He felt himself about to sob like an infant.
" I should just run away, there is no place for me here," he thought to himself, but than another thought came into his mind,
"I have nowhere to go - it's not like there is someone else out there who is like me. Lord Esidisi, Lord Kars, Wamuu and I are the last of my species - I won't be accepted into the animal or human civilizations if I choose to run..."

He sighed, and pulled himself away from the entrance of the cave - maybe he needed to have some alone time and focus on his declining mood - no warrior should feel sad, if he were to be better he had to be better mentally so he could focus on the task at hand and not about himself and his silly childish thoughts.

Santana shook his head and walked down the tunnels of the cave - which were converted into hallways to separate rooms for the men. As he walked down he heard the faint chatting from two familiar male voices - it was Kars and Wamuu.
He paused, contemplating on if he should listen in to their conversation or not - if he were to have the respect of Lord Kars he would logically continue to walk down the hallway and not listen in. But, he could not resist the urge - if Kars was talking to Wamuu in private it was definitely something important and something he may need to learn in order to better his plan.

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