23 - The Truth

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In the middle of an unknown country somewhere in a darkened building, only lit by a singular small candle which was slowly melting and losing its wax, sat a large group of men and women, many of which were families with children as well - all huddled for warmth.
They had ventured from their country of origin and across the world to Rome for one mission - some were from many countries in Asia and some from Europe.
But, they had no clue on where they were, it was dark and cold and they had no other choice but to camp out to stay warm.

"How can we be sure they will be heading to Rome?" One of them spoke up, sounding irritated and annoyed as he tended to a wound on his right ankle, "for all we know they may be going to some place different - what makes you so sure that those monsters will be heading to Rome?"

The leader, a tall man with a muscular stature with grey hairs upon his head - he was the eldest of the group - looked at the man speaking, his expression was not one of anger or disappoint but not of positivity as well, "those creatures are hunting for the red stone and the red stone alone, I have contacts with the Rome emperor and I told him to keep hold on the red stone within his possession - that will lure them to Rome and we will attack, its four against hundreds of us."

"Even so, it's still a risky move," a women spoke up, her child snuggled within her arms - the boy shivered, he was barely wearing anything besides a cloak and his armour - which barely protected and covered his body, it looked to be made in a hurry and from scraps of whatever they could've find - " what about the innocent civilians of Rome? What will happen if a fight breaks out within their villages?" She asked, holding her son tightly to give him warmth within the cold.

"I will do everything in my power for that to not happen," the leader spoke, his voice calm like his demeanor, "once the four of them are spotted entering Europe we will instruct the Roman Emperor to lead his army to the very outskirts of the capital and as far away from any civilization - than we attack once the four of them are lured out there."

"Well, that's just a lot of hustle, why not break the damn stone?" A male called out, "they won't get their damn immunity shit if that stone is broken a just tell the Roman emperor to shatter it into pieces!"

"Yeah, wouldn't that defeat them? The stone is the only reason those monsters are even doing what they are doing!" Another woman cried out, holding her baby close to her chest.

"Silence," the leader raised his hand, his tone of voice remaining calm, "though your suggestions are valid I believe the one true way to truly defeat them is by using the stone - with their determination to claim the stone of their own I believe their own selfishness and desire for the stone will be the reason the rest of their species is whipped out, we need the stone to be in one piece."

Everyone fell into silence, then began to mutter to themselves.

"We have the element of surprise to our advantage, knowing them they expect us to act - but they do not know how or when we will attack," the leader spoke, he than slowly raised his arm up - his body began to emit a golden glow, lighting up the already dimly lit room and giving warmth to the room momentarily, " we have trained for this, we have trained the power known as hamon - this power uses those creatures only true weakness; the sun."

The room lit up, everyone looked at the leaders glowing arm as it gave warmth to the room, it was like an heavenly glow.
"With the sun quite literally within our palms we will defeat those creatures easily," the leader addressed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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