20 - King For A Day

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The moon was full, the sky was lit up by its soft lights and whatever was below it was dimly lit up by its grey beams of light.
Kars stood at the top of the hill - his arms were crossed in front of him, the sharp and violent wind blew through his long hair and made it float as well as his scarf.
The wind hissed and growled like a ferocious beast, it was a cold night.

The sun had just set below the horizon and the moon had slowly knelt in to replaced it in the sky, the sky was now a dark shade of purple.

"It is such a beautiful night, my love," a voice behind him spoke, its tone low and pleasant.
Kars didn't need to look over his shoulder to know who it was who was talking to him.
"Indeed it is, Esidisi. It is a wonderful night - clear skies, cold and sharp winds," Kars spoke, staring off into the far distance.
Esidisi stood beside the man, his eyes also fixated out into the horizon of tall trees which were just simple silhouettes due to the moon shining behind them.
It looked like an array of slowly dancing darken shadows from his point of view.

The two remained silent for a while as they stood side by side, taking in the gorgeous nature surrounding them - it was truly a sight to behold.
Kars took in a deep breath and glanced over to his partner, "wake the boys and bring them back here," he ordered to the man, though his tone of voice was not demanding in the slightest" I know it is an early time for them to wake up but tonight shall be a long night for them," his hand slithered into Esidisi's warm hand.
Esidisi just smiled and replied with a simple quick nod, " of course, I'll get right to that," than softly planted a quick kiss on the man's cheek before climbing down the hill to collect the boys out of their slumber.

Kars stood there alone for a moment, he faced out back into the ever expanding horizons which never seemed to stop - he knew tonight would be a new era in their lives; the birth of anew.
The man took this time to just think and see how far he had come - none of his species would even dare go this far from their home. They were all weaklings, and with them all out of his way he had achieved way more than he could under the rule of a cowardly species - especially under the rule of his father, what role was he again? Chief? Chief in command? Heir? Whatever, it did not matter to Kars anymore.
The thought of his father was no more than ash and dirt - maybe there isn't ash there anymore, that thought made Kars smile deep inside.

"Lord Kars, it is an honour for you to entrust us with the power of the mask," Kars heard a families voice behind him.
He turned around and saw Wamuu and Santana both on their knees and bowing, their heads bowed and their fist planted into the ground.
Esidisi stood beside Kars once again, both of them looked down at the two warriors bowing below them.
"Today shall be historic - no human, vampire or zombie can be granted powers such as these as their skulls are far too thin and fragile," Kars explained, holding the stone mask in one of his hands, "you two are incredibly strong, but tonight I shall finally see if you are indeed worthy enough to possess the powers of the mask."

Kars looked over at Esidisi, the man just smiled and nodded as if understanding what Kars wanted him to do.
He stepped aside and pointed out into the horizon, " there is a village full of puny humans hundreds of kilometres away, your first mission is to navigate your way and find it - once there you will go to the highest mountain where we will be waiting, do not attack until instructed. We will be waiting and watching carefully."

With that, Kars turned his back to the men and vanished into light right in front of their eyes while Esidisi jumped into the air and seemingly vanished from sight  as well - leaving the two boys alone on that mountain top together.

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