6 - The Man and The Mask

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The two men had been working together for months now - studying, testing, crafting, inventing.
Trying to find the secret to pure immortality and how to unlock their species full potential, all while doing it in secret.
Over these past months the two had been getting more closer together - their connection had strengthen their bond.
Though many historians would call it a close friendship and so would their parents who had noticed them together around their village understood the two were in fact in love with each other.

Both were infatuated with each other's determination and beauty. Though both never confessed to each other through words they both knew they were in love with each other and wanted to be partners.
Though Kars was deeply in love with Esidisi it would not be his main focus and he would not bring it up often but Esidisi would be the more affectionate and upfront one.

This close bond would help strengthen them and make them grow more determined and focused on their goal for pure immortality.

Finally, on one fateful day, Kars had made the thing that would unlock his species full potential - a mask crafted by stone.
He had made many to which had failed or did not work but he was sure this would be the one. He specially had crafted it from a very rare and special stone which legend says had came from beyond this world and harboured special powers - though it was only just a legend passed down from generation to generation.

But now, all Kars had to do was test to see if it worked.

"Would you like me to kidnap another human for you to experiment the mask on?" Esidisi asked the man.
Kars thought for a moment, than looked at his partner, "no, I am sure this one will work - I will not waste it on some puny human who won't understand their full potential and worth."
"Who will you test it on?" Esidisi asked.
Kars simply smiled, "on myself, Esidisi. I shall test the mask on myself."

Esidisi gasped, "no, that's dangerous! I don't want you getting hurt. What if it fails?" Kars looked at the man,"Esidsi, standing back. I will assure you I will be fine."

"Kars, let me just kidnap someone from our own species to see if the effects of the mask kill them or not!" Esidisi suggested.
"Esidisi! I assure you that I'll be fine, stand back and take cover!" Kars smile dropped, " I appreciate the concern but I assure you I will be fine, stand back!"
The man demanded.
Esidisi did not fight with his words, he ran as far as he could and hid behind a large bolder.

The mask was cold in the palms of Kars - he placed both hand on its side and slowly began to raise it up to his face.
As it drew closer sharp tendrils protruded from the side, snapping out like a Venus fly trap snapping at its prey.
A smirk drew on Kars' lips, this was a telling sign that this mask would work.

With this sign he had zero hesitation with putting it on, raising it up to his face.
It rested on his face for not even a second before the tendrils dug deep into the back of his head, grabbing a hold of his face as it dug deep into his skin.

Kars let out a mighty yell as a beam of light shot out from the mask, he lifted his head up high as the light shot up deep into the night sky. Luckily they were in an isolated and secluded area so no one would see or hear the man shout to the heavens.
The pain was excruciating but he felt a rush of adrenaline - he had been waiting for this! Finally, after so many years his plans had finally seemed to have worked!

After what seemed like half a minute the pain had stopped, the beam of light ceased and died out. The mask's tendrils disappeared back into the stone and the mask simply fell off his face.

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