12 - Smells Blood

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A day is dismay would be ahead of them - a birth of a newborn already born would happen this very day. The catastrophic event of two men would soon play out. It was a historic event that would never make its way onto the history books.
Thousands of lives would disappear, only to be called myths and legends by the modern man - folktales to tell children and stories for the campfire.

The sun began to slowly fall behind the mountains once again in its regular unbroken cycle - a new night had drawn near once again.
The two men emerged from the cave they were hiding in and began to make their way to the underground city they called home.
They had a feeling word had already spread about the men and their intentions - though possibly dramatized to make it sound as if this was a horrible thing they were doing and something selfish.
"Esidisi, you understand the risk we are taking," Kars whispered to the man, sorrow swept over him.

In his mind he always wished Esidisi didn't pick to continue to work along side him and protect his family - he was envious but almost understanding and sympathetic for the love he had for his family.
But it was Esidisi's choice to make - he did not want to decide for the man and his future.

"Indeed, but I am willing to take it," Esidisi nodded solemnly.
"Very well," Kars responded, "be prepared for an attack as soon as we enter back to the underground city - stand guard behind me, I will try to persuade the people..."

Esidisi nodded and stood behind the man, scouting out for anyone whom may be trying to assassinate the two as soon as they enter.

But, they did not even have a chance to enter back underground - emerging from the entry was Kars' father with a large army of his own people behind him.
All of them angry, all of them holding various sharpened weapons.

Kars glared deep into the amber eyes of his father with an angered intent- but he stood his ground and held back an urge to attack the man.
"You, fiend," the heir called, pointing at his own son with the same intent to attack, "you villainous traitor, you are no longer a son of mine. You wish to plague the world with those creatures you call vampires with the mask of stone you have carved and disrupt natural order."
He held up the stone mask he had found in his son's possession- there was a loud uproar of cries of disgust and dishonour, everyone all shouting out harsh words towards the man - calling him an abomination and a monster and all sorts of things.

"No, you are mistaking my intentions, now listen to me!" Kars called out with a mighty roar, everyone went silent.
"I do not wish to plague the world with those creatures - all of this was not a selfish act on my behalf, and I was not lead or manipulated to do this act by my partner, Esidisi. For many years I hated the way we lived - hiding underground like cowards? Do you people have any idea what we can achieve if we concur the sun?!" He called out, beginning to pace around.

Esidisi continued to stand by, watching at the crowd of people for any sudden movements of attack - but also to count how many people were present and to scout if he could see anyone in the crowd he knew...

"The mask is a key to us unlocking our abilities, but also for us to finally walk in the light of the sun," Kars continued on with his speech, " we have lost countless of our own to the sun, our numbers have dwindled from the millions to thousands just by its rays. How can we be known as mighty gods amongst the human realm when e do not take that for advantage?" Even without the ability to stand in the sun we can have the humans listen to us and do our bidding."

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