19 - Overcoming Hinderance

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It was the night before the deadline, Wamuu and Santana had trained effortlessly throughout these past short few days - they spent every waking night doing nothing but train themselves with every fighting and defence technique they could think off so that could use it for their upcoming battle with the humans- mainly using their bare hands or body manipulation instead of actual weapons as per Santana's request.

For a few of those nights during these times Esidisi would take sneak and watch them from afar and watched as the two of them progress in their fighting skills and slowly bond and get together especially after the incident with Santana - he was proud of them, he really did care for them. He could not wait until they would find that red stone - he really wanted to take care for them like they were his own sons.

Though, he had observed that something was the matter with Wamuu in particular.
Something about his demeanour seemed to have dwindled and changed during these last few nights. He wasn't entirely sure what the matter was but it was definitely effecting the man in a negative way.

During their last training session Esidisi observed the two, they were practicing everything they had learnt so far and began to practice it all one last time.

"Santana," the man turned to the other, he was energised - a large determined grin was plastered on his face, " this training session shall our be most important so let us train like it were the actual thing!"
Santana on the other hand looked exhausted - he struggled to even climb up the mountain, he had dark bags under his eyes and his body seemed to have weakened from the amount of pressure put upon him from these intense training lessons - if his injuries did not heal as quickly than he would be covered in so many bruises and cuts all across his body.
"Have we not trained hard enough - we are training like we are fighting herd of bulls in armour made from the strongest material, we are just going to fight humans..." he groaned, exhausted.
"Humans are unpredictable - their weaponry is very highly advanced. We are fighting them without any weapons to our disposal in order to prove ourselves worthy of the mask and its powers," Wamuu explained to the man.

"Even so, we are stronger than them regardless - we do not need to train all night every night, the only rest I gotten was sleep," Santana complained to Wamuu, "can we just not train for today? We already know all techniques for defeating humans."
"Santana, it is the night before our deadline - we cannot rest, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity...don't you want those power?!" Wamuu's tone was somewhat pushy and angered - it was not like he was angry at Santana whatsoever but more so like he was talking to himself instead.

"...I do want those powers," Santana grumbled and frowned, rolling his eyes discreetly,"...of course I do."
He faced away from the man with frustration, glancing out at the landscape.

Wamuu looked down at the man and frowned - deep inside he felt heavy like he had stones sewn inside his stomach - his heart sunk as he glanced at Santana's frustrated and exhausted expression.
Santana was feeling this way because of his own actions and that hurt more than any dagger in the heart could.
In truth he only wanted the best for his fellow warrior, but he thought this would be the best for Santana and for himself as well.
Both for Santana to practice more fighting techniques so he could prove himself to Lord Kars and Esidisi and also so Wamuu can prove to himself that he is strong enough - the more he trains for maybe those horrible dreams would stop entirely and leave him alone.

Wamuu signed, "very well, we shall train for half as long than usual," he spoke, his eyes diverting away from the man and darting someplace else.
Santana just glanced up ag the man with an expression of relief, "half as long?"
"You are in need of a worthy rest- both of us are," Wamuu just responded, continuing to glance off in the distance, watching as the tall dark silhouette of trees slowly dance within the cold night winds - with the many trees that had surrounded them it almost looked like they were spectators to this intense training session, all watching them both and awaiting for what would come next.
Wamuu's expression on his face was glum with guilt and a hint of sadness as he watched the trees - Santana raised an eyebrow at this.

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