10 - A Fathers suspicions

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"Where have you been, boy?" Kars father hissed, " were you out with that friend of yours? I knew he would be a bad influence..."
Kars eye twitched but hr kept his composure, " no father, I was just walking around on my own - you do not need to butt onto everything I do..." Kars hissed back.
"You are the son of the heir, what you do can ruin the reputation of the family - if you're out fooling around with some random man and running a muck than it will stain our reputation, of course I have to interfere if you do any wrong!"

Kars rolled his eyes and growled - he was way more powerful than his father or his ancestors with his newfound powers of light and the stone mask - he did not need to be treated like a baby anymore. He did not need to care on how his actions may stain his father's reputation.

Kars never liked his father - ever since he was born he just never liked the man. When he was young he felt guilty to even admit it since his parents were the reason he was even alive, but now that he seen the truth his distaste only ever grew.

"Is that what I am to you father, an accessory? Do I have to live up to your standards just so you can have a good reputation once you rule all over the land," Kars barked, " even when you do become ruler I doubt you will even do any change, you just want that throne because it's shiny with gold, am I right?"

"Kars, do not throw such insults on your father," his mother stepped in, wrapping her arms around her husbands shoulder, "your father worked so hard to reach the top, once the current ruler steps down than he will be the one to rule all - you will one day understand when the throne becomes yours in the future..."

Kars glared at his mother - he didn't really like her as well, but he thought himself to slowly care for her - or at least seem like he did. All his mother was good for was to make his father feel better of himself - praise him and make him worthwhile.

"When I become ruler I'll become a god, I shall make more changes to this species than anyone before me!" Kars hissed, " but unlike father who had the throne handed to him on a silver platter I shall actually work my way to the top..."

"Son," his father glared at him with a glimmer of frustration, he took hold of his arm and pulled him in close to whisper in his ear, " we cannot change, you know that - all you can do is set simple rules and banish those who disobey. If you are thinking of doing anything that'll change the order of evolution or something outrageous of a claim as that then you are sorely mistaken. For decades we follow the natural law of evolution and we will continue to do so for decades more..."

Kars kept his face stone cold and expressionless - he knew his father was wrong on his claim they couldn't change. He did change, he knew on how to change.

Once his father had let go of his arm he sniffed the air, "hm...blood?" He sniffed around, then looked at his hand to see that he had been cut on his palm.
"Hm, how'd did I get this cut?" He questioned, then looked around for anything sharp - but there was nothing sharp around, or so he thought.

"Hm, never mind - not like a little cut could do any harm," his father scoffed, then turned around and began to walk off.

The scent of the blood enticed Kars - the hunger of blood grew inside him. He had to keep fed in order for him to maintain control of his powers - he needed to feed on life in order to not let loose and kill all those around him.
He shut his eyes and glanced away, trying to not look at the red liquid substance gushing from his father's open wound.

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