11 - A Fathers Demand

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"Kars, I believe this is the first we have even been casual with each other," Esidisi stated, looking up at the moon in the night sky. The two of them sat on the very top of a mountain on the surface - it was a full moon, "just us two, talking about thing other then 'that thing'."

Kars slowly nodded his head - he couldn't take his eyes off the man, he stared longingly at his beautiful eyes. The moonlight perfectly bounced off the man's face and made him glimmer in its glow.
"well, we did do that thing a few nights ago - I believe we can count that as 'casual time'," Kars lets out a slight chuckle.
Esidisi chuckled as well, " heh, I guess so - but most of that talking involved you begging for me to pleasure you more," the flame god stuck his tongue out cheekily.

Kars grew flustered, and turned his head away, "I did no such thing."
"You did," Esidisi let out an uproar of a laugh, playing fully slapping Kars on his back, "it was honestly so adorable of you - how lucky am I to have a partner like you..."

Esidisi sighed to himself - but a familiar thought began to creep back into his mind.
He was lucky, but he threw that luck away with him lying to the man right at his face.
Esidisi frowned to himself and glanced away in the distance.
Kars sensed that something was wrong, whenever Esidisi suddnely goes quiet he knows something is wrong.
"Esidisi, your sister told me that you have been feeling gloomy these past few days, would you like to talk about it with me?" Kars asked, his voice had gone soft.
Esidisi just went silent, "no...I'm fine," he spoke, keeping his gaze on anything but Kars.

"....Esidisi please, I know something is wrong. Why can't you just talk about it with me?" Kars frowned, growing even more worried for the man, "have I ever judged you for you sensitivity? No. Now tell me what's the matter..."
Esidisi paused, than sighed, "if I tell you what the matter is you'll hate me - you'll even kill me..."

Kars paused, flabbergasted at the remark.
"No, I assure you I won't kill you - do not make such a claim about me or my intentions," Kars shook his head, " you being honest is better than keeping a lie from me."

Esidisi paused, he glanced at Kars' face for a moment before darting his eyes back up to the moon in the sky, "...I understand if you won't love me after this but...a few nights ago when we were searching for a human to use as an experiment I came across a child," Esidisi began to explain, he kept his face hidden from his partner in shame, "...she was a young girl and I...did not want to subject her to the harsh experiment we had planned - it's not that I felt sorry for the humans, I wish for all of them to die, but... that one girl almost resembled my youngest sister and my other young siblings...I just couldn't bring myself to kill her, I'm sorry!" Esidisi began to sob profusely - he wailed his heart out and belted out a cry to the heavens as tears streamed down his face.

Kars frowned, "Is that why you're upset? Are you scared that if I found out you spared one human I would kill you?" He scoffed, a smile grew on his face. He rubbed Esidisi's back in reassurance.
"Esidisi, I do not care that you spared one human, I will always still love you no matter the cost," the man spoke.
Esidisi looked at his partner, tears still in his eyes.
Kars pulled the man in for a gentle hug, it only lasted a couple seconds but it still meant so much to Esidisi.
"Esidisi, you are still a wonderful and strong fighter and a wonderful asset to this mission - and also an excellent lover," Kars spoke, "all I can think about is you, you flood my mind all the time. I can not just stop loving you even if I try..."

Kars paused, realizing he had just admitted something he swore to never tell anyone.

"Oh, so you think about me all night and day, huh?" Esidisi purred, his tears quickly had dried up.
"...of course, you are my partner - who else would I think about someone?" Kars shrugged it off like it was no big deal.
Esidisi grabbed hold on the man's hand and pulled himself gradually closer to the man's face, " good, now think of me and only me," he teased.
Kars stared deeply into the man's eyes - he got flustered but didn't want to show it. He pulled himself away and looked the other way.

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