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Ten years later...

For the past few months, I started seeing that same woman almost every day up until the moment when she convinced me to live in her house.

I was hesitant at first and so was Phil but he decided that it would give me a better opportunity to get out of the environment we lived in.

She took me to her house and on that car ride, I learned her name was Joan. She told me she also lives with two other people, her mother, Majorie, and her daughter, Ariana. She also told me she has a son but he moved out pretty recently.

I was also assured that I would have my own room next to her daughter's room.

"Jayce stop!" The smaller girl screams as I chase her.

"Give me back my hoodie!" I shout after her, chasing her as she goes back upstairs.

She gets stuck at the end of the hallway and panics, "We can talk about this Jay, you don't need to do this."

"You've been stealing my clothes, asshole! You're the reason I barely have clothes for school," I place my hands on my knees so I can catch my breath, holding my hand out, "Hand it over, Grande"

She gives me a pout, "Why can't I keep it?"

I snap my head up at her, now standing straight, "Did you not just hear what I said?"

"Duh, but did you think I would actually listen to you?"  She rolls her eyes and walks away.

"It's cool, I'm just gonna sneak in your room and get it," I shake my head, walking to my room.

I gather my things and put them in my backpack, taking my keys from the nightstand next to my bed.

Putting my backpack on, I walk out of the room when Ariana stops me, "Where are you going?"

"I wanna check on Phil and see how he's doing," I shrug, walking past her but she grabs my arm.

"Please tell me you're not still involved with that shit," She raises her eyebrow.

I don't respond and just look into her eyes as she glares into mine, searching for the truth before I can manage to lie.

"They're my family, Ari. I have to make sure they're straight," I sigh knowing she would kill me if I lied.

"You promised me you would quit doing that gang stuff," She shakes her head, no longing looking at me, "It's dangerous, Jayce. You could get seriously hurt."

I rolled my eyes, "Dude, it's not that serious. I'll be right back, tell Joan I'm coming back for dinner."

"That's only if you come back," She mumbles as I walk away from her for the second time. She doesn't even bother stopping me this time.


"What's up Phil, how are you?" I say as I enter the small house Joan and I helped him get. I spot him sitting at the table, eating his breakfast and drinking his coffee.

"Pretty good, kid. Malcolm is in the back if you wanna see him also," He gives me a soft smile as he continues to eat. I nod before leaving to bother Mac.

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