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I wake up to the sun peaking through the blinds of our living room. Guess we really did sleep on the couch.

Looking around, I realized that Ariana wasn't with me. I stand up to go look for her, calling out to wherever she was, "Babe!"

"Up here!" She shouts back from up the stairs. I then walked into the room to see her packing our clothes.

"Dude, why are you packing our clothes?" I furrow my brows at the action. She looks up at me for a second before continuing.

"We're going to Florida," She tells me, running around the room for various items.

"Woahhh, hold on," I grab her hands in mine, forcing her to stop, "You got a lot of audacity to make me drive to Florida when we literally just got back from tour last night."

"And you assumed I was making you drive," She breaks away from my grip crossing her arms.

"Baby, you don't have a license," I deadpan, watching as a look of realization spreads onto her face.

"Never thought about it like that," She mumbles but continues what she was doing earlier.

"Holy shit, can you stop for one second?" I grab her hands once more, "What's going on?"

She lets out a huff in defeat, "I just miss everyone back home and I thought since I didn't have to be in the studio until next week that we could finally take a trip back."

"You gotta stop making last minute decisions without me, love. You know that right?" I question her with my arms crossed. She lets out a deep breath, putting her head down.

Stepping towards me, she proceeds to grab my arms to wrap them around her, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes as she speaks, "If I say I promise, can we go?"

"I can't say no to you Grande, you know that," I playfully roll my eyes before getting on my knees to help her pack.

Soon enough, we had all the bags packed in the trunk and were already on the highway, heading towards Florida.

"What do you think they're gonna say when they see us?" Ariana asked once we were five minutes away from our childhood home.

"Hopefully they're just really happy to see us," I tried to reassure her but the truth was, I was extremely nervous myself. I'm the one who fucked up a wedding at the end of the day.

"They probably hate me for leaving without warning," I look over to see her head in her hands, visibly stressing out.

"Easy for you to say. I ruined a wedding that night," I let out a small laugh to hide the real anxiety I was feeling.

"No way," She looks over at me with a shocked expression, "You're nervous aren't you?"

Shaking my head, I try to respond as normal as possible, "I—I don't even know what you're talking about."

"You do realize that whenever you lie, you stutter, right?" She gives me a look I can easily decipher. She knows she's right.

Pulling up, I park my car at the side of the house with a wide grin, "Oh, look at that, we're here already!"

"We'll see how happy you feel once we get to the door," I hear her mumble as she gets out with me to grab our bags.

"You wanna carry your five bags by yourself?" She immediately shakes her head no as I open the trunk, "Yeah, I thought so."

Once we gathered all the bags, we slowly walked up to the front door, both of us too nervous to even knock. Hell, we weren't even sure if anyone was even here.

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