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"What the fuck was that Jayce?" She asks frantically, shutting the door behind her.

"Not that it's any of your business, we had a small disagreement but we're all good," I lie, smiling as she stares in disbelief.

"We haven't seen each other in three fucking months and you already decide to stir up shit," She scoffs, crossing her arms, "What's your deal?"

"You really do have your mind set that I'm the bad guy," I let out a small laugh, "Why did you even invite me?"

"You're still my best friend, Jay. I couldn't do this without you," She says, exchanging her angry look for a more softer look.

"Breaking news asshole, your best friend is in love with you," I look down at my feet for a second before looking back at her, "You'll see the real Dalton one of these days."

"So, you know something I don't?" She raises an eyebrow, crossing her arms.

"That's exactly what I've been telling you," I roll my eyes.

She sighs, "Listen, you don't have to like him or get along with him, but for my sake, you could at least consider putting things aside until I marry him."

I pause, realizing that she's probably right and I really should just leave it alone. The truth will come to light soon, "Alright, I'll let it go."

She smiles, her dimples showing more than ever as she takes my hand, "Great, come on."

As we approach the dinning room, everyone turns their heads and Ariana speaks up with her tight grip still on my hand, "Whatever happened before dinner needs to be left in the past. Just get along until the wedding, please."

We all silently agreed and moved on, engaging slowly but surely, in small conversations for the rest of the night.

Two days later, it's the day before the wedding and I wake up to my phone ringing. Picking it up, I see Ariana was calling me, "What's up?"

"Where the fuck are you?!" She shouts through the phone. I wince at her tone, taking the phone away from my ear.

"Well, good morning to you too. How was your day?" I say sarcastically. Apparently it wasn't too funny to her.

"Jayce, when I see you, you're dead," I can literally hear her fuming through the phone, "What day is it?"

I furrow my eyebrows, checking my phone, "Friday?"

"Where do you have to be today?" She asks me calmly. Then it hit me.

"Oh shit!" I jump out of bed quickly, going into the bathroom to quickly do my morning routine, "I'll be there in fifteen."

Sure enough, I was there in fifteen. All of the guys and me were getting their suits fixed for the wedding while the girls were getting their dresses.

Later on tonight, we were going to have a bachelor party while the girls do their own party.

"Nice of you to show up," Dalton says, rolling his eyes as he's getting his suit tailored.

"Yeah," I chuckle, deciding to disrupt the peace again with a wide grin, "Thanks to your fiancée."

"I'm so sick of your ass," He mumbles under his breath. Guess he didn't want the smoke today.

"He's been talking about your ass all day," Mac says as I approach him. He was trying on his suit.

"I didn't take him to be the gay type. That's something new," I shrug.

Mac lets out a huge laugh, "I can't with you sometimes."

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