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"Hey man, you still there?" I hear from the other line, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Uh—Yeah, I'm still here. I just spaced out a bit," I almost cover my mouth when Alexa takes me out of my boxers, "How soon you need me?"

"As soon as you can. Preferably in the next five minutes or so," He responds, mumbling to what sounds like Quentin.

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute," I hang up and toss the phone on the bed, "I hope you're as quick as you say you are."

"Shut up and let me do my job," She playfully rolls her eyes. I soon feel her hand sliding up and down my shaft, my breathing getting heavier as I watch her.

"Fuck," I breathe out, covering my mouth. I furrow my eyebrows as Alexa stops her movements.

"Take your hand away from your mouth, I wanna hear you," She waits as I take my hand away from my face before continuing. This time putting her tongue on my tip.

"Jesus fucking Christ," I mumble as she start bobbing her head up and down my shaft. I grab the back of her head to push her down further, her moans sending vibrations throughout my whole body.

She continues her actions for a few more minutes until I finished, making sure I shot my load in her mouth as she swallowed, "You good?"

I pull up my pants and boxers almost out of breath, "Hell yeah I'm good, that was great."

"Told you I could make you finish quick," She says, wiping her mouth and kissing my lips, "Lemme put my number in your phone before you go."

"I wasn't gonna leave without your number," I give her my phone as she types in her number and saves the contact before texting herself on my phone.

"If you don't call me, I'm gonna hunt you down," She jokes, coming closer to me with her hands around my neck.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world love," I smile, leaning down to place a soft peck on her lips, "I'll see you later, alright?"

She nods her head, giving me another kiss before pulling away and watching as I left the room.

"Damn man, another minute and I would've came to find you," Mac says as I approach the two guys.

"Yeah, yeah man. Who's the guy you want me to give this shit to," I question, taking the blow from Quentin.

I look over as he points to—hold up is that Ricky? Thought I would never see him after he took off when we got to the hospital last night.

Shaking my head, I walk away from the two to approach Ricky, "What's going on man?"

"Holy shit, I never thought I was gonna see you again after what happened," Ricky smiles immediately once he sees my face, "How you been holding up, Jay?"

"Pretty good, healing nicely," I lower my tone, "Heard you were looking for some blow?"

"Fuck yeah dude. You got those five grams?" He whispers, reaching into the pocket of his jeans.

"Yeah, all five grams," I flash him the bag from the pocket of the jacket I was wearing, "Just give me four hundred and we're good." He nods and goes to take out his wallet. Before he could count out his cash, we hear someone yell out.

"Everyone get the fuck out, cops are here!" Some random dude shouts over the music as everyone scrambles to grab their stuff, running out the door in groups.

"Just give me that shit later, I'll contact you!" I call out to Ricky as I run out the front door along with Malcolm and Quentin.

"Stop right there motherfuckers," I hear one of the cops yell as we take off down the street.

"Fuck!" I shout out as the same dude tases me in the back, causing me to fall to the ground. I look up to see Mac and Quentin still running down the street but stop once they realize I'm not with them.

I wave at them to go without me. They hesitate but nod, knowing I'm gonna be good.

"What's your name?" The cop asks me but I stay silent, "I see we got a talker on our hands, boys."

"Oh, what do we got here?" The other officer pulls the five grams of coke I had in my jacket pocket, "You do know this is a felony right?"

I roll my eyes but nod, "You would've let me go if it wasn't, let's be honest."

"And you're a smartass? The court is gonna have fun with your black ass," The first officer chuckles.

"It's Black and Mexican to your ass," I say with an attitude as he cuffs my hands behind my back.

"Oh so a double immigrant?" The second officer questions, "This is gonna be real fun."

"Just put me in the car and shut the fuck up," I shake my head as they pick me up. They give me a quick pat down, reading me my rights and putting me in the car.

The officers both get in the car and drive off to, what I assume, towards the station, "Someone's blowing up your phone buddy. You got another deal you're supposed to go to or something?"

"It's a fucking girl you idiot. The name literally says Alexa," The second officer shakes his head. This makes me sit up in my seat.

"Can you answer it and let her know what's happening?" I ask one of the cops nicely. The second officer nods and grabs the phone from the other dude.

I listen as he speaks to her, letting her know the situation. Although I can't hear what she's saying, I can only imagine she's freaking out as we speak. Soon, he ends the call, tossing it back to the first cop.

"You mind if I ask what she said?" I ask the officer.

"I let her know what happened and she told me to tell you that she wants you to call her once you get to the station," He tells me.

I thank him and sit back in my seat. Just my fucking luck.


A/N: Seems like Jayce got arrested, wonder how that's gonna plan out.

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