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"Jayce, stop moving!" Ariana shouts at me, trying to clean my wounds as I squirm from the pain.

"Hard to do that when you're in pain all over your body," I deadpan, wincing as she starts to clean up my face.

She looks closely at my face, almost like she's impressed or something, "You got lucky they didn't mess up your face too bad."

"You think that's supposed to make me happy?" I grumble.

"I genuinely thought it would. Your face is the best part about you," She shrugs.

"Woah, now you're saying my face card is the only thing keeping me relevant?" I scoff, pushing myself to stand.

"No—Jay, sit down," She practically whines, pulling me back down to the floor where we both have been sitting for the past twenty minutes.

"How do you expect me to stay still when it feels like a hundred needles are stabbing me everywhere?" I question her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Here," She reaches up on the sink counter to hand me a bottle of Tylenol, "Take two, it should take away most of the pain."

"This is exactly why you're not a nurse. Who the fuck gets beat up and decides their best bet is taking Tylenol?" I shake my head but still open the bottle up, taking two pills.

"It's not my fault you're a pussy. If I didn't give it to you, you would still be complaining," She tells me, continuing to clean up my face as I wince in pain.

"I'm not—Am I really a pussy? I never looked at it like that before," I furrow my brows in thought.

"From the way I saw you deal with being shot, I would consider you not to be one but you act like it," She admits.

I suck in a breath as she lifts up my shirt and starts to clean my ribs, "Bro, I'm about to go home and do this shit myself."

"You wouldn't know how. This is your best bet," She says knowingly.

"I would do anything to get this pain to stop," I tell her truthfully.

"I know something that would take your mind off it," She gives me a sly grin.

"Really? I'm feeling like I got hit by a truck and you're talking about fucking right now?" I look at her in shock.

"I was actually talking about giving you a kiss," She rolls her eyes.

"Oh..." I say just above a whisper, "My bad then."

"I'm done, go home, get some sleep and call me tomorrow when you wake up," She says, helping me stand up with her.

"How do you think I'm gonna get home when Mac took my car?" I give her a look.

"Just stay here then," She sees my face of uncertainty, "Dalton isn't here."

"Where is he anyway?" I ask as we both sat on the couch in her living room.

"Honestly, I have no idea," She sighs deeply, "I barely ever see him anymore."

"And this is the dude you wanna marry?" I question. She looks up at me before looking down at her hands, playing with her fingers.

"At this point, I'm not so sure," Tears begin to brim her eyes, "I keep trying to convince myself that he's all I need."

"Well, that's why you have me here. I'm not involved in shit anymore," I remind her but all she does is shake her head.

"What if we're more toxic to each other than we would like to admit?" She asks.

"You think we're toxic?" I ask in disbelief.

"Not only that but there's always something going on with you," Rubbing her hands over her face in frustration, she stands up from the couch.

"Are you seriously having second thoughts?" I get up as well but more slowly, "You just told me two weeks ago that you didn't even care."

"I've just been thinking about everything that's happened since you came into my life. It's all been drama. You bring drama," She says, poking her finger into my chest.

"Are you fucking serious?" I ask once more in a low tone. Surely she isn't being for real.

"Jay, I love you and you know that, but you're always gonna bring drama everywhere you go," She starts to walk away from me but I grab her by the wrist.

"I did everything for you, Grande. I gave up everything just for you to sit here and fucking tell me I'm not worth the drama anymore?" I let go of her wrist, "I'm going home."

"Jayce, you can't fucking leave. It's raining and you don't have your car," She says, stopping me in my tracks. Oh it's go time now.

"Wish you cared this much about me in prison," I mutter under my breath.

"What are you talking about? I spent every waking moment worrying about you," She furrows her eyebrows as I turn to face her.

"You never fucking called me, Ariana!" I shout. She's a little taken aback by the tone of my voice, "Could've at least picked up the damn phone to check on me but you never did."

She opens her mouth to speak but no words come out. I take that as a sign and leave her house as she follows behind me.

I stepped outside and immediately feel the freezing cold rain pour down on me. Even though it's cold, I can barely feel it due to my numb emotions.

Walking down the sidewalk, I start to think about everything in my life. Prison, drugs, and money all got me in the position I'm in right now, walking in the freezing cold rain.

"Jayce stop!" I hear Ariana call after me but I ignore her, continuing to walk, "I'm serious."

"Go back inside, I can take care of myself," I tell her but she doesn't let up, walking alongside of me.

"I'll go back if you're coming with me," She holds out her hand but I push it away.

"I'm not getting manipulated by you anymore," I tell her.

"Jay, I'm sorry, I just don't know what I want and I don't wanna drag you into it," This makes me stop walking altogether.

I slowly turn to face her with a chuckle, "Don't you think it's a little too late for that?"

"I made a mistake, a huge one. I thought I was ready but I wasn't. I mean, I cheated on my fiancé for Christ's sake," She says, throwing her hands up.

"No one forced you to do any of this shit, Ariana. You're the one who cheated, you're the one who can't decide what you want, you're the one who decided to marry that prick," I respond, "I don't know what you want me to tell you anymore."

"Tell me you'll come inside with me, we can talk this shit out and figure out where to go from there," She pleads, "That's all I want right now."

I scoff, shaking my head and walking away from her, "We don't always get the things we want in life."


A/N: Low-key, these two piss me off and I'm the one writing this shit. Anyways... Part Two is almost coming to an end which means things are gonna get worse from here. Leave your predictions in the comments.

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