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I wince as Joan slaps me in the back of the head, "What the fuck is wrong with you, Jayce?"

"I didn't know that was gonna happen Ma, I'm sorry," I rub the back of head as we left the front doors of the  county jail on Sunday morning.

"Ariana was worried sick about you when you missed her call. She even called me panicking and saying you haven't contacted her in over ten hours," Joan shakes her head, getting into her car.

"I never meant to worry any of you. To be honest, I didn't even know that was gonna happen. It was just supposed to be a simple in and out job," I sigh, rubbing my hands over my face as I got into the passenger seat. I was so tired at this point it wasn't even funny.

"I'm gonna tell you this shit once and once only because I won't be doing this again, stop doing that gang shit. You're gonna get yourself killed or end up in a worse situation," She grips the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles turning a pale white color.

I don't respond as she pulls away from the jailhouse and onto the road. We didn't speak the rest of the ride but I could tell there was a shift in energy. I could tell she was happy I was okay but also upset we were in this situation.

She dropped me off at the house I now shared with Phil and Malcolm, not uttering a word as I get out of the car. As soon as I get through the front door, she speeds off. She's real pissed at me dude.

I spot Phil sitting in the living room. He gives me a hug as I sit next to him and catch him up on the past couple of days I had. Soon after, I headed to Mac's room to see him still fast asleep. I don't blame him though, it was like nine in the morning.

I decided to head to my room instead to check my phone. I charge my phone and waited for it to power on as the missed messages and calls started to flow in.

I had a few messages and calls from Alexa, Ariana and Mac. Remembering what Ariana said when we talked yesterday morning, I called her first.

She answers with a heavy, shaky breath, "Hello?"

"Hey Moonlight, your mom just dropped me off a few minutes ago," I tell her.

"Thank God, I was getting really worried she was gonna leave you in there all weekend," She takes a sigh of relief, "I'm sure you know already, but she's pissed."

I scoff, "Yeah, I realized that. You're definitely her daughter. She got mad just like how you did."

"Rightfully fucking so too. You had us all worried. The only one who didn't seem worried was Nonna," She says.

"Of course she's the only one who didn't get mad. You Butera's are something else I swear," I close my bedroom door and lay on my bed with a huff.

"Shut the fuck up," I hear a male's voice in the background, "I'll call you later, Scooter's making me leave for the studio."

"Alright, call me whenever you can. Have fun," I sigh as I end the call, shifting over to Alexa's contact.

"Hello?" She answers groggily through the phone. I probably just woke her up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, just letting you know I made it back," I apologize. I hear her shift on the other end.

"It's cool, I just fell asleep a couple hours ago. I've barely been sleeping since Friday night knowing what happened to you," She pauses, "Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?"

"I'm all good, love. Elias was pretty cool, we just talked up until I left," I tell her.

"Who's Elias?" She questions me, her voice was raspy on the other line.

"A cell mate I had while I was in there. I gave him my number and told him to call me once he got out," I grab my rolling tray from my nightstand, deciding to roll up after the past couple days I had, "Get some sleep beautiful, you don't have to worry about me."

"It's hard not to Jay. I told you that you were addicting," I can just picture the smile on her face with her cute little dimples.

I let out a little chuckle, "You're cute, you know that?"

"It's too early for you to have me smiling and shit," She mumbles.

"Go back to sleep Lex," I smile at her comment. I take out my dime bag of weed, making a mental note to re-up once I get the chance.

"I'm awake now, lemme talk to you," She refuses, shuffling a little more on the other end of the line.

"You're the one saying it's too early, asshole. Don't go complaining that you're tired," I pull out my pack of papers and roll the rest of my weed into a decently sized joint, sparking the end of it.

"You just got out of jail and you're already tryna get high?" Guess she must of heard the lighter.

"Mind your business motherfucker," I laugh and shake my head.

She giggles softly, "I'm just saying it's pretty ironic."

I blow out the smoke from the joint, "It is, isn't it?"

"They didn't give you a court date?" She questions.

"Fuck, I forgot all about that. I gotta go to court in like two weeks," I huff, taking another puff.

"Probably shouldn't be smoking weed huh?" She teases. I roll my eyes even though she couldn't see me.

"You would be right about that," I let out a sigh of frustration, "I'm going to jail anyways so I guess it doesn't matter."

"Don't say that. You could probably beat the case," Even she doesn't seem too sure saying that.

"Not when you got caught with five grams of cocaine. It's all my fault anyway. I got myself involved with this gang shit, I gotta figure my way out," I shrug, putting out the finished joint.

"Just so you know, I'll wait as long as I need to for you. I don't care how long you're in there for," She tells me.

"You don't have to wait for me Alexa. It's probably gonna be awhile before I get out," I let her know.

"I don't care. You're worth the wait," She states which causes me to smile. What is this girl doing to me?


A/N: Um... so I forgot to update the last couple days but I go back to school next week so I'll post two more chapters before then. In the meantime, I hope y'all like the book.

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