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"Hey, what's up with you? You barely said anything since we got here," Lauren grabs my face to look at her. We were currently sitting at a table in the back of the room. I wasn't in a dancing mood.

"Fuck Laur, I'm sorry. I just had some shit on my mind," I run a hand over my face before standing up and grabbbing her hand, "Let's go dance, I know you want to."

"Baby, we don't have to do anything," She sighs, "If you wanna talk we can. I would rather be with you than here."

"No, this is your night. We're not gonna have anything like this again. Let's make the most of it, okay?" I give her a reassuring smile which causes her to smile back.

We were on the dance floor for what felt like hours, talking and enjoying each other's company. Maybe being with her is for the best.

Soon after our dance, prom was over and we were all heading outside. Me, Lauren, Ariana and... Ricky.

Yes, she went back to him. Don't know if she was doing it out of spite but it's none of my business. She's a big girl who can take care of herself.

"We going to your place or mine tonight?" Lauren turns to me with possibly the brightest smile I've ever seen. Safe to say she enjoyed the night.

I hear Ariana scoff and mumble under her breath, "Preferably yours."

I turned my head to give her the dirtiest look before looking back at Lauren, "We can go to mine if you want, it's closer."

She brings me down to her height so she can whisper in my ear, "Is she okay?"

"Nah, she has stick-up-ass syndrome," I smile as she lets out the prettiest laugh I've ever heard. I take her arm in mine as we start heading for the parking lot.

"Yo Jayce, lemme get a word with you real quick," Someone says from behind me. I turn around and see none other than Trey the singer and his friend, August Alsina, standing there. This is gonna be fun.

I tell the girls to get in the car before stepping up to them, "What's up, Trey! Long time no see. How was the suspension from fighting that one kid?"

"That's not the point dumb fuck, we need to talk," He crosses his arms.

"Seems like you brought your girlfriend along too," I put my hand out for August to shake, "Nice to meet you man."

"Who the fu—" He cuts himself off by drawing a pistol straight at my forehead.

"What's the big deal, gentlemen? We're all friends here," I give a cocky smile.

"Lemme talk to Lauren, dickhead," Trey says, taking a step closer as if he's trying to send a message.

"Oh!" I laugh, "You wanna speak to Lauren huh?"

He nods his head, barely saying a word. I close my eyes and let out the loudest belly laugh ever.

"Holy shit, you're funny," I notice neither of them are laughing so I straighten up a bit, "You wanna talk to her before or after I put my dick in her mouth?"

"You think you're funny, motherfucker?" August presses the gun against my temple, "Let him talk to her."

"How much of a bitch do you think I am?" I pull my own glock out of my pants, "Walk away and this won't get ugly, alright?"

"So we're taking out our pieces?" Trey takes his own out of the pocket of his jacket, "Good thing I have one too."

"This isn't show and tell, Trey. She doesn't wanna talk. Leave her alone," I tilt my head as he laughs in my face.

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