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"Never thought I would see you again," Ariana approached me, bringing me into a tight hug.

"Yes you did asshole," I shake my head, pulling away from her to get a good look at her. She hasn't changed one bit although her hair color slightly did. She was now rocking blonde highlights with her brown hair.

"Oh, before I forget, this is my fiancé, Dalton," She introduces me to a skinny looking white dude with surprisingly great fucking teeth. Wait—Did she just say fiancé?

I muster up a fake smile, "Am I sure I heard that right?"

"Trust me, it's still kind of a shock to me," Dalton speaks up. Yeah man, I bet it is.

"Well uh—I'm happy for you two. Y'all seem like an amazing couple," I say, lying through my teeth, "When's the wedding?"

"Almost four months from now," Ariana responds, smiling up at Dalton.

"Oh, that's great! I can't wait for that day," I tell them, my fake smile never leaving my face.

"I'll catch you before we leave, alright?" Ariana says, walking away with Dalton following behind her. What the fuck man.

I look around for Alexa to see her talking to Malcolm on the couch so I approach them, whispering into her ear, "Hey, can we leave?"

She looks at me in confusion, "Dude, you know this is your house right?"

"You don't think I know that?" I snap but quickly apologize once she gives me a look, "I just—I just wanna go to your apartment instead."

"Give it an hour or so. If you still wanna go, we can go," She tells me, patting the spot next to her on the couch, "Come sit."

I let out a deep breath, sitting next to her as her and Mac continue their conversation. Instead of listening to their conversation, however, I was lost in my thoughts.

I was only gone for three years. Although three years is a long time, I didn't expect to come home to see the love of my life engaged.

I just kept thinking about how this was all my fault, how I could've stopped this from happening.

I wanted this for her but now that it happened, part of me wishes I could've just started something with her when I had the chance. I just didn't wanna hurt her.

"You not looking too hot man, you good?" Mac asks me, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, it's just kinda weird being here with all of you right now," He gives me a look but seemingly brushes off my lie.

"I mean, it has been three years since you seen us. It takes a little to adjust," He pauses for a moment before continuing, "You mind if we talk somewhere private for a second."

He waits for me to nod before getting up. I told Alexa that we would be back before following him as he lead me to his room, closing the door behind us.

"So, you mind telling me what's really going on?" He sits on his bed, motioning me to do the same.

"I think you know, you just want me to say it," I run my hands over my face in frustration.

"It's about Ariana isn't it?" When I don't answer, he sighs, "Why didn't you go after her when you had the chance?"

"I just didn't wanna involve her into my shit. She doesn't deserve that especially after seeing me get shot," I told him.

"Understandable but you have to remember, she's her own person. She can make her own decisions," He says, going in his nightstand drawer and pulling out a small bag of a familiar white substance.

"Malcolm, what the fuck is that?" I questioned him with a laugh although I didn't find shit funny.

"Cocaine?" He says, almost like he was asking a question, "You want some?"

"Don't tell me that's what you're doing now," I watch as he shrugs, pouring the powder on the nightstand.

I let out a scoff, "Yeah fuck that, I'm out."

I don't even give him a chance to stop me as I left his room, approaching Alexa once again, "We gotta go like right now."

"Baby, what's wrong?" She stands up from her seat, grabbing my face in her hands, "Did something happen?"

"I'll tell you later. I just need to get out of this house," I told her. She nods, grabbing her car keys. I don't even say anything to anyone before leaving, waiting for her to come outside so we could go.

After a couple minutes, she finally comes outside, unlocking the door so I could get in. Shortly after, she gets in the driver's seat and pulls off.

I didn't say anything the whole entire car ride on the short drive to her apartment. A few minutes later, we arrive, heading inside as she shuts the door behind us.

"What happened back there?" She questions, setting her keys on the table as she sits on the couch.

I look around, taking in the scene in front of me. This was my first time being in her apartment since she moved from her parent's house, "Nice apartment."

"Thanks, but that's not the point. Tell me what happened," I sigh, sitting on the couch next to her.

"I was getting a little overwhelmed with being there after being in prison for a while so I kinda freaked out," I lied, "Mac noticed and brought me in his room to talk and that's when he fucking pulled out a bag of coke."

Her eyes widen, swirling with emotion, "So, it seems you found out about his new habit."

"You knew about this and didn't tell me?" I looked at her with a hurt expression as she gives me a sympathetic look.

"It wasn't my business, baby. You gotta understand that. We've had interventions and everything for him, but he just won't stop," She grabs my hands in hers, "I didn't want you to freak out while you were in there and start beating yourself up even more than you already have."

I take a deep breath and a few seconds to get my head straight before answering, "Yeah, you're right. You can't really control that."

"Let's watch a movie or something to take your mind off tonight, okay?" She suggests, turning on the TV. Maybe this is where I need to be.


A/N: Little bit of a filler chapter before everything starts to take a turn. Updating tomorrow as well so be ready.

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