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"I can't let go, Jay. That would mean I'm letting go of you," She reaches up to grab my face with one of her hands, brushing her thumb over my lip.

"Ariana, we can't do this," I say in-between mumbled words as she continues.

She then places a small kiss to my lips, whispering in my ear, "Let me love you."

I look down to see a slight tent in my pants before looking at Ariana.

"I told you this earlier. This isn't gonna work how you want it to," I mumble as she trails her kisses down my neck.

She stops to look back up at me, fisting my shirt tightly within her grip, "We can make it work. I don't care about it, just don't give me a reason to worry about you."

She goes to kiss my lips again but I stop her with a gentle hand on her shoulder, "You're getting married, Ari. He's good for you."

"But he's not you. I'm not getting married to you, Jayce. That's the point," She sighs, sitting on the bed in front of us, "I feel like I'm not getting what I want for real."

"That's how life is, dude. You don't get what you want," I tell her, sitting beside her.

"It doesn't have to be that way though," She reaches up to grab my face once more, "Just tell me you love me and I'm yours."

"You deserve better than me, Ariana," I whisper to her, a small tear streaming down my face.

"Trust me, you're all I deserve and everything I could possibly ask for," She wipes my tear, kissing my lips softly.

"I love you," I say barely above a whisper, hoping she didn't hear me so I could avoid temptation. Instead, her eyes go wide and before I know it, she's on top of me, planting kisses on my face.

"Then show me," She whispers against my lips. I give her a look of uncertainty, "I'm serious, Jay."

I nod and grab her waist, pulling her impossibly closer to me before pressing our lips together once more, "We gotta make this quick."

"Take me right now then," She tells me, palming me through the pants I was wearing.

I take my now hardened dick out of my pants, looking at her to make sure this is what she wants before shoving half of my length inside of her.

She lets out a small yelp in surprise, "Go slow, I need to get used to it."

After a few moments of painfully slow strokes, I was able to put all of myself into her, picking up the pace each thrust.

"Shit! Keep doing that," She barely breathes out through her moans.

Flipping our position, I lay her on the bed with her legs on my shoulders; her head hitting the pillow as I thrust in and out of her, the backboard hitting the wall behind it softly.

I feel a small knot in my stomach forming but decide to push the feeling away to make sure Ariana came first.

"You're gonna have to hurry this up a little bit, babe. I can't hold out that long anymore since prison," I tell her honestly. It's true though, prison has made me lose my stamina.

She doesn't answer but instead, she takes my hand and uses it to rub her clit, sending me a message to which I picked up.

"Jay," She whispers out to me. I hum in response but don't stop my movements, "Tell me you love me again."

"You're not sure if I actually do or something?" I joke. She smiles at my joke with a small eye roll.

"Baby, just say it for me, please?" She brings me down to her level by the back of my neck, connecting our lips once more.

"I love you so much Ari," I smirk as she comes undone right in front of me, shouting out profanities; I had to cover her mouth to keep her from getting too loud, though.

I then help her ride out her high before pulling out. I start to stroke my length to a release but Ariana pulls my hand away uses her hand instead, sitting up from her previous position.

She then continues to jerk me off until I release; some of it getting on her face while most of it drips down her chest.

"I love you too baby," She gives me a smirk of her own, standing up from the bed and going into the bathroom as I watch her walk away.

"Hey Ari, I'm gonna go. I'll see you later," I say, picking my clothes up from off the ground and dressing myself.

"You afraid of getting caught or something?" She questions from the bathroom, amusement laced in her voice.

"Nah, just don't wanna kill anyone on your big day," I smile, walking up to her and planting a kiss on her cheek as she turns on the water for the shower, "I gotta go beautiful."

"Call me, okay?" She says to me before I could even leave the bathroom.

I furrow my eyebrows, choosing to be petty, "Oh, like how you called me in prison?"

"Jayce, don't do this. At least bring this up when we're not on good terms," She sighs, stepping into the shower.

I scoff with small chuckle, "Bet that then, I got you next time."

Shaking my head, I walk out of the room, closing the door quietly behind me.

"Is she okay?" Dalton suddenly appears in front of me, arms crossed with a suspicious look.

"Were you listening through the door or something?" I joke. He doesn't laugh.

"No, I just wanna know if my wife is okay," He narrows his eyes at me.

"Yeah man, she's good. We just talked about what happened. She told me about her grandfather and cried in my arms. That's it," I told him. He gives me another look, almost like he was searching for the truth, "Do you not like me or something, brother?"

"Damn right I don't like you. I heard the stories about you," He puts his arms down with a sigh, "Can't even tell you to stay away from her; she would leave me in a heartbeat."

"Great story, gotta go, talk to you some other time," I wave him off, not wanting to really hear what he had to say before walking away and out of the house.


A/N: Okay... so I've already had Part One and Part Two fully written before I put this book out and I somehow still forget to update, I'm sorry lol. Double update this time tho.

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