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Two years later...

"How was that?" Ariana asks me as she walks backstage after the last show of her tour.

"You did great, baby. You always do," I grab her waist to pull her closer to me, placing a small kiss to her lips.

She looks back at me with furrowed brows, "All I get is just one kiss?"

"This better?" I place two more gentle kisses on her lips and place a few more down her neck.

"Oh god, get a room!" Brian shouts from the other side of the stage. Brian and Scott are the only ones who know where Ariana and I disappeared to. She wanted to keep everything as low-key as possible.

I mean, it was pretty much impossible not to. They work with her all the time.

"Don't be a dick Bri," I shout back, earning a middle finger in response.

"He does realize we've all been sleeping in a tour bus right?" Ariana grabs onto my arm as we walk out of the venue.

"Yeah, that's Brian for you. Clearly, he doesn't use his head too often," I joke, smiling as she giggles.

"Hey Ari, I was thinking we should do another album once we get back," Scooter says, catching up with us.

"Damn dude, she just got done with a tour," I start but Ariana stops me with a hand on my chest.

"It's okay baby, he's right," She turns back to her manager, "I have a couple songs we can start with."

"Great, I'll see you two on the bus!" He says, walking ahead of us as I pull Ariana to the side.

"What the fuck was that?" I ask her in a whisper.

"I haven't released anything for over two years, it's time I start working on one," She tells me, noticing the look in my eyes, "Don't worry about me, I'm good."

"It's hard not to," I sigh, taking her hands in mine, "You're gonna burn yourself out, my love."

"I signed up for this though, Jay," She grabs my arm as we continue our walk back to the tour bus.

"Let's go lovebirds!" Scott shouts out to us as him and Brian laugh.

"Yeah, yeah suck my fucking dick assholes," I say to them, grabbing my junk.

"Only Jayce can put four curse words back to back in one sentence," Brian mumbles to Scott as Ariana and I enter the tour bus.

"Do you know when we're leaving?" I ask Ariana, stepping in my bunk which happened to be on the bottom.

"I have no idea actually. Scooter never told me," She says, turning to face me, "Wait, let me cuddle with you."

"Babe, this bed is only like two feet tall," I tell her but she gets in anyway, laying her head on my chest, "Or you could just get in anyway, that's fine."

"Shut up, you love it," She smiles at me before taking out her phone to scroll through it. I shut the curtain to my bunk behind us.

"I don't love the fact that we're cramped in this tiny ass bunk but I love you either way," I mumble. Before I could respond though, I heard whispers outside of my bunk.

"What do you think they're doing in there?" I hear a female voice ask. Who the fuck is that?

"Who the fuck is that?" Ariana asks me, literally reading my thoughts. I shrug, slowly opening the curtain to see Brian, Scott, and Victoria staring back at us. Wait... Victoria?

"Welcome back to Earth you two," Brian says sarcastically.

Judging by how shocked we were, it's safe to say they probably thought we were in a different dimension just now.

"Vic?" Ariana asked, looking at the older girl in complete shock. Victoria nods her head, opening her arms for the smaller girl. Ariana immediately leaps into her arms.

I stand up from my bunk as well, watching as the two interact with a smile, mumbling to myself, "Damn, she never hugs me like that."

But before I know it, I get a shoe thrown at my face, "Yo, what the fuck was that?"

"We both know damn well that I hug you ten times better than that. Stop being so dramatic," Ariana rolls her eyes.

"Dramatic is my middle name, I can't help it," I shrug, turning to get back in my bunk, "I'm going to sleep, goodnight."

"Wow so you're not even gonna say anything to me after two years?" Vic holds her hand over her heart like she was actually hurt.

I shake my head at her with a smile, embracing her in a tight but short hug, "Can I sleep now?"

"Oh, you asshole!" She exclaims, pushing me back with a laugh.

Backing up, I once again step into my bunk, closing the curtain behind me and pulling my hood up on my hoodie before drifting off to sleep.


"Hey sleepyhead, time to wake up," I hear a familiar voice as she shakes me out of my sleep.

"Huh—What happened?" I sit up immediately, desperately rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Woah, calm down baby. You're okay," She reassures me with a hand on my chest.

I shake my head, trying to get myself out of the trance I was in, "Bad dream I guess."

"Come on, let's go in the house so you can tell me all about it," She offers her hand out to me, which I take, as she pulls me off the bus along with her.

I followed as we walked up our driveway to the front door, waiting as she unlocks the front door.

"Fuck, I don't ever wanna do that shit again," I groan, laying on our couch in the living room.

"Baby, you can't sleep on the couch," She giggles, trying to pull me up but it's no use. I won't budge.

"You might as well give up. I'm not walking up those big ass steps," I mumble as my eyes begin to close.

"Move over then because I can't sleep without you," She says as I move over, opening my arms up to her.

"Nice to know we're finally at that stage in our relationship," I let out a small laugh.

"Oh please, it's been that way since we were kids. I just learned to take your hoodies so I could sleep," She shrugs.

"That's why my hoodies kept going missing?" My mouth opens from shock.

"It's not like I didn't give them back. Well, most of them I gave back," She tells me.

"You motherfucker. Which one did you keep?" I question her.

She hesitates a little before finally responding in a low tone, "Just the Spider-Man one."

I look at her with my mouth ajar, "That's was my favorite one asshole. No wonder I couldn't find it."

"Shh, I'll give it back someday, just go back to sleep," She shushes me, laying her head on my chest.

After a couple minutes, it finally registers to me what she said, "Someday?"


A/N: I'm debating on if I want to continue this book a little more after the drama or if I should just end it after that. We'll see how I feel when this is over lol. Anyways, we're finally on Part Three!

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