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I step inside my room from the window I left earlier, placing my pistol back inside my backpack.

It was about three in the morning by the time I got back. Most of that time was wasted talking to those idiots and making sure they didn't follow Mac home.

I slip off my shirt and my shorts, leaving me in just my underwear. I then do my nightly routine before getting in my bed. That's when I feel someone grab me from behind.

"What the fuck?" I jump out of bed at the feeling, running to turn my light on to see Ariana rubbing her eyes, "Why are you still in here, Ari?"

"I was worried about you," She picks up her phone from my nightstand, "Where have you been? It's three in the morning, Jay."

"I was taking care of something," I turn the light back off and sit on the edge of the bed, "Don't worry about it, I'm good."

She opens up her arms to me, "Come here."

I lean into her touch and let her pull me back into bed. She turns over and wraps my arms around her. Ariana lets out a heavy sigh, "I missed you so much, you have no idea."

"You act like this all the time at night?" I joke. She turns back over in my arms to face me, playfully rolling her eyes.

"Shut the fuck up and sleep," Ari giggles, kissing my cheek.

"Hey, you should be thanking god that I didn't have my pistol on me, your ass would've been grass," I roll my eyes, though I doubt she could see me.

"What do you even need that thing for anyway?" She asks me.

"Ariana, how dense can you be?" I turn away from her, "You're starting to act like that one bitch you played a couple years ago."

"Please don't tell me you're talking about Cat," She groans, choosing to cuddle with me once again after I moved away.

"Back up you heathen. You have the IQ of a four year old," I push her off of me. Instead of staying away, she gets even closer to me, putting her head on my chest. I sigh and play in her hair.

"Stop trying to get away from me. You know you love me," I can almost hear her smirking.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Moonlight," The nickname makes her cling impossibly closer to me.

"I love when you call me that," She sighs contently, "You should call me that more often."

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I raise one of my eyebrows.

"Me and Ricky broke up," She takes a long pause before continuing, "Again."

"That's like the seventh time this year. You guys are on a roll," I joke. She slaps my arm in response.

"Not funny asshole," I can feel her shaking her head. We both know she found that funny, "I like someone else anyway so it doesn't matter."

"And who might that be?" I question suspiciously. She's not the type to have too many crushes on people.

"It doesn't matter, nothing's gonna happen with it," She takes a deep breath, "You on the other hand got some girl going after you though."

I blush a bright red, thanking god Ariana couldn't see, "You talking about Lauren?"

"Oh so you're on a first name basis with that bitch?" She moves away from me with her arms crossed.

"Woah, jealous much?" I raise one my eyebrows suspiciously. I don't understand why she cares so much.

"I-I'm not jealous," She lowers her tone into a whisper, "I just don't think she's someone you should pursue."

"And why not? Dude, she's a cheerleader who's hot," I question.

"Jay, she's gonna hurt you," I can almost sense the fear in her voice, "I don't wanna see you like that. It would break my heart."

"Ariana, I've lived by street rules my whole life. Do you really think I would let some girl get me in my feelings?" I take my hand and caress her cheek with my thumb. She melts into my touch.

"I don't doubt you can take care of yourself but when it comes to feelings, things are totally different. What you expect from people on the streets don't always apply with the people you meet on a regular basis. People can say they love you and still betray you. I just don't want that to be you," She finishes, bringing me closer to her once more and wrapping my arms around her small body.

I spent the rest of the night thinking about what she said, not even bothering to respond because I had a feeling she was right.

I never really intended to get with Lauren. In fact, I never really knew that she wanted me for real. I only heard rumors.

There's no doubt in my mind that Lauren looks extremely good but is my relationship with her really worth proving Ariana right? My ego's a little too big for that.

The next day moved as normal. I had gone through my first two classes already, on the way to my third when I heard someone call my name from down the hall. I turn my head to face them.

"Speak of the fucking devil," I mumbled to myself as she approached.

"Hey, Jayce. Just wondering if you had a date to prom this Friday," Lauren asks me. I know I was supposed to not be letting her get to me but I can't lie, she looks extremely good.

"I—uh—actually don't have one. I'm guessing you would want to go with me?" She takes her bottom lip in between her teeth with a smile and a nod, "I actually wouldn't mind taking you then."

She lets her bottom lip go with the brightest smile I've ever seen. She asks for my number and we make plans for that night before she walks away from me, leaving me to my thoughts.


A/N: Kind of a filler chapter for right now but it's only to move the story along. Hope you're enjoying the book so far tho.

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