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The next day, Lauren and I walked into school hand in hand, gaining many stares from the people in the hallways.

"God, I hate when people stare," I roll my eyes, my grip on her hand subconsciously getting tighter.

"They're probably looking at you babe," Lauren says as we approach her locker. She gives me a quick peck on the cheek before opening her locker for a brief moment.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure they're looking at you. You're looking real good today," I smirk as I watch a bright shade of red appear on her cheeks.

She softly shuts her locker, taking my hand once more as we continue our walk down the hallway, now heading to her first period class, "Jay, you gotta stop doing that."

"Doing what? Telling you the truth?" I shake my head, "I can't do that love, I'm sorry."

She stops for a second, searching my eyes, giving me a look I can't quite decipher, "There's so much I wanna say to you, I swear."

"What's stopping you from saying it?" We both stare deeply in the other's eyes.

"It's too soon," She takes her phone out of a small pocket in her bag and checks it, "We gotta get to class."

"What's the rush? I wanna hear what you were gonna say," I tell her.

"I know you don't care about being late but I do, come on," She drags me by the hand to her class. I kiss her on the cheek as she wraps her arms around my neck. I start to move my kisses down her neck but she pushes me away with a giggle, "You're so annoying."

I watch as she walked away, making sure she was good before walking to my own class. I get there just in time for the bell to ring and sit in my seat in the back of the room.

"Dude, you're dating Lauren London?" This guy named Pete Davidson asks me.

"It—It's a little complicated to really put a label on things," I hesitate to give him an answer.

"Well whatever it is, you scored big time man. She's a real keeper from what I heard," How the hell would he know?

"Is there something I should be worried about?" I ask with caution. He furrows his eyebrows a bit before widening them, "Nah man, you're totally good. I haven't heard anything like that, only that she treats everyone she dates really well."

"Jesus Pete, you can't be scaring me like that," I hold my chest dramatically.

"Damn man, my bad," He pauses before continuing, "Word of advice though, don't hurt her. Everyone here knows she doesn't deserve that."

A few minutes pass and we're starting our lecture. It was only then when we were interrupted by the door opening. On the other side of the door was the one and only, Ariana Grande.

I avoid all possible eye contact with her knowing that she's going to talk to me about what she heard but instead, she sits in the empty seat right next to me.

"So you're dating her?" She asks me a little above a whisper.

"Not that it's any of your concern, but we are in fact not together," I continue to ignore her eyes piercing the side of my head, "We're just talking."

"Oh so people who 'just talk' are seen walking around in the hallways together, holding hands?" She raises an eyebrow, forcing me to look at her with her hand.

"Why do you care so much, Ariana?" I let out a huff due to her continuous questions.

"Because I—Actually, never mind. I don't care anymore," She sighs, turning to face the board.

"I don't know why you cared in the first place," I shake my head, continuing to take my notes for the rest of class.

Once the bell rung for second period, I quickly darted out of the door so I could walk Lauren to her next class.

"Baby, slow down, I was gonna wait for you anyway," She puts a hand on my chest to stop me from almost crashing into her.

"My fault, I was tryna get here as fast as I could so you wouldn't be late." She flashes me a bright smile, intertwining our fingers, "Aw, you remembered what I said. You're so sweet."

We walked down the hallway on the way to her next class, making light conversation, "You know Pete asked me what we were?"

"Of course he did," She shakes her head with a playful eye roll, "That man knows everything that happens."

"I'm sure everyone knows at this point," I shrug.

"So you're saying we're together?" She smirks as it's my turn for my face to turn bright red.

"Well—um—If you really wanna be together, I could move some things around," I recover my words.

"Move some things around?" She furrows her eyebrows, "You got hoes, Jayce?"

"Wha—No! No, I don't talk to anyone but you," I mentally curse myself for putting that idea in her head.

"I'm joking, baby. It wouldn't make sense, we're always on the phone," She giggles, pulling me closer to her once we reach her class. Instead of kissing her on the cheek, I give her a small peck on the lips. She holds the back of my head gently to give me two more before pulling away, "Isn't your next class in a different building?"

"Yeah but it's worth being late," My statement earns me a slap on the arm, "What the fuck was that for?"

"If you're gonna be late almost every single time, stop walking me to class, asshole," She playfully rolls her eyes, turning me in the direction of my class, "I'll see you at lunch."

"You're not gonna late this time right? Because last time I was running around looking for y—" She quickly cuts me off with a smile.

"Babe, go to class. I'll be there," Her smile is so contagious that it rubs off on me.

"Alright, alright. I'll see you later then," I walk off, almost rushing to my next class.


A/N: Last filler chapter, I promise lol. Next chapter will pick everything up and then it goes downhill from there.

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