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"That's what you're wearing tomorrow?" Ariana asks as I step into the living room. I was wearing a plain button up shirt with some slacks. She was on the couch watching a movie.

"Bit—Prom isn't until tomorrow," I roll my eyes, grabbing Joan's keys off the coffee table since she let me use the car tonight. Something about being on good behavior.

"Exactly my point," She turns to face the TV.

"That was a weak point," I put my keys in my pocket, "I'm going on a date, I'll be back."

"That bitch always has your full attention. You couldn't even stay tonight and watch a simple movie with me," She crosses her arms, turning to face me once again.

"We can watch one when I get back, deal?" I hold my hand out for her to shake. She's hesitant at first but shakes it anyway. I give her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek, "Stop being so jealous Moonlight."

She pushes me back a little bit with a small smile, "Get the fuck out bitch."

I throw my hands up in defense before turning to walk out of the front door, locking the door behind me.

It took fifteen long, awaited minutes to get to Lauren's house. Once I pulled up, I texted her that I was outside and left my car to meet her.

"There she is!" I exclaim as she exits her front door. I practically ran over to her, picking her up for a sec then placing her back on the ground, "How's my favorite girl doing?"

She grabs my face and places a soft kiss on my lips, "I'm alright, it was kinda stressful to pick out an outfit though."

I took a step back to get a good look at her. She was wearing a sundress with some black Converse, "Baby, you look amazing."

"Stop, I didn't even put anything on for real," She playfully rolls her eyes, grabbing my arm as we walked to the car.

"You always look great my love, don't say that," I open the passenger door, waiting for her to get in before closing the door and walking to the driver's seat.

"So where are you taking me?" Lauren asks as I pull off her street. I give her a look but don't say anything, "Why are you making that face? You're not gonna kill me right?"

"You'll see when we get there," She gives me a weird look, "I'm not gonna kill you, Lauren."


"You take every girl here?" She asks as we approach a hill that overlooks the city.

"Wouldn't make sense to take you somewhere everyone else has been," I put the car in park, "Trust me, you're the only other person that knows about this."

She hums in response. I get out of the car and go over to her side, opening the door for her. I then go back over to the driver's seat and pop the trunk. I take everything out and start to set up.

"No way you're doing a mini picnic for our first date," She says with a huge smile on her face.

"More like we eat, watch a movie, and look at the stars," She deadpans at my statement, "That's the same thing huh?"

"Exact same thing, smart ass," She playfully rolls her eyes. Once I finished setting up, we sat on the blanket I placed down and I started taking out the food.

We engaged in light conversation as we ate. Laughing and playing around almost like two kids in love. After we finished, we took a brief moment to look at the view and admire the stars above us. I swear I stared at her more than the stars.

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